Fredericton Moreys Ron (Ron Morais), found in the purchased in Mcdonald's Coffee dead mouse.
Canadian resident of Fredericton Moreys Ron (Ron Morais), found in the purchased in Mcdonald's Coffee dead mouse. According to CBC, the man found the body of an animal, when removed the lid from the cup to make the last glotok.Moreys told that regularly buys coffee in fast food. According to visitor cafe, this time after drinking he became ill. He felt nausea and pain in zheludke.
After the incident, McDonald's staff conducted an inspection of the premises cafes, but found no trace of rodents. Ministry of Health, the Commission has not found evidence of mice stay in the building restorana.McDonald's not yet apologized to the man, as the investigation into the incident has not yet been completed.
Source: lenta.ru/news/2014/10/15/mcdonalds/