List of largest private partners AdSense
List major partners AdSense drawn up bit by bit based on various interviews, journalistic articles and other sources of information scattered all over the internet. In this kind of hit parade included only private sites based amateurs householder with no involvement of any investment.
1. Provincial Canadian programmer Markus Frind (Markus Frind) from your dating site PlentyOfFish.com has $300 th. month ( scan checks from Google ). At one of the largest network of free online dating sites recorded 500 million page impressions per month, which brings Marcus more than $ 10 thousand. Per day from contextual advertising AdSense < / a>. Site support and service its four servers involved two people: Marcus himself and his girlfriend.
2. Kevin Rose earns $ 250 thousand. A month on a news site Digg.com . Kevin started the site in December 2004, having in his pocket the entire $ 1,000. Less than two years Digg.com has become one of the biggest news network sites with more than 400 thousand. Registered users and more than 200 million page impressions per month. His income is derived from the content and AdSense modular advertising, which is sold through an agency.
3. Jeremy Schoemaker (Jeremy Shoemaker), one of the most successful in the network of specialists in SEO, has $ 140 thousand. month from your website ShoeMoney , and even with several thousand sites that it owns.
4. Kalkanis Jason (Jason Calacanis), before it sold its association bloggers Weblogs Inc. corporation AOL for $ 25 million, earned a contextual advertising more than $ 4,000 per day. The story is so impressive that Google even set an example this website .
5. David Miles ml. (David Miles Jr.) and Kato Leonard (Kato Leonard) get $ 100 thousand . in the month of site Freeweblayouts.net with free templates for MySpace . Here, too, to some extent, used, and other advertising programs, in addition to AdSense.
6. Tim Carter (Tim Carter), a certified carpenter and plumber, founded his expert resource AskTheBuilder.com back in 1995. It has been carefully to the settings of the content on the site and has made that she began to bear more than $ 30 thousand. per month .
7. Joel Comm (Joel Comm), guru fastest way to gain, known as the author of the bestseller "What Google Never Told You about earnings AdSense». The book is sold in electronic form and placed on promosayte screenshot from the site AdSense $ 24 thousand. Per month. < br />
8. Shawn Hogan (Shawn Hogan), founder of the website DigitalPoint.com , a half years ago earned $10 thousand. per month on advertising AdSense. Now, maybe he already earns twice as much.
Of course, this list is far from complete. On the Internet, hundreds, or even thousands of websites today can boast that they earn a minimum of $ 5 thousand. Per month only on contextual advertising. This is quite normal rate for a site that is created and maintained by a talented man, a true lover of his case. For example, a podcast directory PodcastDirectory.com receives almost a million hits per month and earn up to $ 40 thousand. On contextual advertising.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/4440/