Did you know that you can improve your character by eating certain food!
Did you know that you can improve your character by eating certain food! Some plants are aggressive, and some - very good. If the fruit is edible, it is edible for almost everyone. Eat the fruit of passion, which one are more suitable than Others. But blessed foods that are sweet and neutral taste (spinach, bananas, watermelon, and so on.) Fit and enjoy all.
Blessed plants have good character. For example, an apple tree - by her side can be planted any other plant. But the oak, for example, has a passionate character, and beside him nothing rastet.Ambroziya is a very aggressive plant, many people are allergic to even small amounts of pollen. The nature of plant growth is also evident in the diet because the plants also have a subtle body of mind. Mind animals may exhibit different emotions, but they can not think. A person can think and choose emotions. But the subtle body of the plant is not as highly developed - the plant lifetime is the same emotion, that is, stability nature plants guaranteed.