Martian orbit satellites and MAVEN Mangalyaan passed first photos of Mars

The first picture taken by the American apparatus MAVEN i>
It seems that all of the satellite MAVEN , arrived at Mars orbit only 4 days ago, are functioning normally. Now, NASA experts have published the first pictures of Mars made a companion at a distance of 36 thousand kilometers from the surface of the Red Planet.
Photos Get the tools Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) (ultraviolet spectrograph) after 8 pm arrival in orbit. Sami photos edited in the graphical editor, the colors are not real, are selected by the operator to demonstrate the results of the different shooting modes.
Blue picture shows the passage of sunlight through the clouds of Mars, with the scattering of radiation in atomic hydrogen. Clouds are at the height of a thousand kilometers above the surface of the planet.
Green picture shows the scattering of solar radiation in the atomic oxygen.
A red shows scatter solar radiation in the ice of the polar zone.
Fourth Photo - hybrid images collected from three previous pictures.
It is worth noting that oxygen is closer to the surface of Mars than hydrogen as the element heavier. And hydrogen, and oxygen formed by the decomposition of molecules of water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars. One of the tasks of the satellite orbit - definition of velocity care of these gases from the atmosphere of Mars. These data allow to calculate the loss of water during Mars since the existence of liquid water on the surface of the planet Kracnoy to the present day.
UPD Mangalyaan also sent a photo of the surface of Mars, the first and until a single image from date of permanent orbit.

The first picture taken by the Indian unit Mangalyaan
Mangalyaan will search the Martian atmosphere traces of methane. Methane, in turn, may indicate the presence of live organisms in the past Mars. On the other hand, the gas, the organic compound can be formed without any participation of living organisms (remember Titanium).

The Indians are pleased with the success of your project i>
As far as can be judged, Indian and American satellites are operating normally, and their scientific tools are gradually introduced to the operating mode.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/238125/
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