Mysterious catch
Steve Bargeron fishing from the pier in Fort Pierce, when pulled from the water a strange creature. Man described it as a "giant sea creature about 50 centimeters in length».
In the Commission for the Conservation of Fish and Wildlife Florida said that underwater creatures confounded them, and they can not tell exactly what species it belongs. However, they still have hypothesized, stating that it may be a species of mantis shrimp, which is a member of the genus mantis.
These creatures can reach 30 centimeters in length, and in exceptional cases even more, making the catch large specimens of Bargerona ever seen by man.
Mantis shrimp are one of the major invertebrate predators on coral reefs, but little is known about them. There are known for its large Eyestalk that give them incredibly comprehensive vision, as well as its amazing agility. They live in crevices or in burrows that build themselves.
Another distinctive feature of the mantis shrimps are powerful claws that they use to attack and kill prey. Once in captivity, some of the larger species are able to break even mantis aquarium glass.
As scientists believe there is more than 400 species of mantis, differing mainly color. Some species use fluorescent patterns for communication with neighbors, writes in the latest issue of the online edition of the British Mail Online.
Mantis shrimp
They are surprisingly well developed memory, so that these crustaceans perfectly remember their neighbors, with whom regularly face. Crustaceans can recognize each other by visual signs and even by individual smell. Many of them have developed a complex system of social behavior to protect their space from competitors.
Source: www.smonitoril.ru

In the Commission for the Conservation of Fish and Wildlife Florida said that underwater creatures confounded them, and they can not tell exactly what species it belongs. However, they still have hypothesized, stating that it may be a species of mantis shrimp, which is a member of the genus mantis.
These creatures can reach 30 centimeters in length, and in exceptional cases even more, making the catch large specimens of Bargerona ever seen by man.

Mantis shrimp are one of the major invertebrate predators on coral reefs, but little is known about them. There are known for its large Eyestalk that give them incredibly comprehensive vision, as well as its amazing agility. They live in crevices or in burrows that build themselves.
Another distinctive feature of the mantis shrimps are powerful claws that they use to attack and kill prey. Once in captivity, some of the larger species are able to break even mantis aquarium glass.
As scientists believe there is more than 400 species of mantis, differing mainly color. Some species use fluorescent patterns for communication with neighbors, writes in the latest issue of the online edition of the British Mail Online.

Mantis shrimp
They are surprisingly well developed memory, so that these crustaceans perfectly remember their neighbors, with whom regularly face. Crustaceans can recognize each other by visual signs and even by individual smell. Many of them have developed a complex system of social behavior to protect their space from competitors.

Source: www.smonitoril.ru
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