Nine-year 92-pound schoolgirl
Nine-year-old girl from India, eats 14 kilograms of rice per week, was among the thickest of children in the world. Despite health problems, parents continue to feed her daughter how to Suman Khatun uboy.Devyatiletnyaya among the thickest of children in the world. The girl, who became a heroine of the documentary, only slightly inferior in weight boxer Alexander Povetkin. With the growth of 1, 03 meter weight girls is 92 kilograms, which is five times the normu.
In one week, Suman, who lives in West Bengal, India, eats 14 kilograms of rice, 8 pounds of potatoes and fish, as well as about 180 bananov.Vdobavok all of the above, Suman appetite devours all kinds of sweets, especially she loves candy and cakes. In a shocking video, you can see how much bigger girl all her classmates. Due to the overweight child is experiencing serious difficulties, for example, it is very difficult to get out of his posteli.
"All my friends are thin, and I'm very thick - says little Suman. - Due to the large weight I was in deep trouble. Hard for me to stand, sit, sleep, and play with your friends ".Roditeli girls claim that they are unable to cope with the excessive appetite of the child, because they believe that it is impossible to refuse food." I am very concerned about its future, as my other children are absolutely normal - says her mother Beli Bibi. - It is very painful ». The family sought the help of a local doctor, that he helped them control weight Suman. According to doctors, the girl hyperthyroidism, and it should be examined, as well as keep constant surveillance. "If you do not take the weight under control, the child may develop diabetes or cardiovascular system" - quoted a doctor Mail Online.

In one week, Suman, who lives in West Bengal, India, eats 14 kilograms of rice, 8 pounds of potatoes and fish, as well as about 180 bananov.Vdobavok all of the above, Suman appetite devours all kinds of sweets, especially she loves candy and cakes. In a shocking video, you can see how much bigger girl all her classmates. Due to the overweight child is experiencing serious difficulties, for example, it is very difficult to get out of his posteli.

"All my friends are thin, and I'm very thick - says little Suman. - Due to the large weight I was in deep trouble. Hard for me to stand, sit, sleep, and play with your friends ".Roditeli girls claim that they are unable to cope with the excessive appetite of the child, because they believe that it is impossible to refuse food." I am very concerned about its future, as my other children are absolutely normal - says her mother Beli Bibi. - It is very painful ». The family sought the help of a local doctor, that he helped them control weight Suman. According to doctors, the girl hyperthyroidism, and it should be examined, as well as keep constant surveillance. "If you do not take the weight under control, the child may develop diabetes or cardiovascular system" - quoted a doctor Mail Online.