For rain
When the rain ... We forget about everything! Respond, however: where are the fish and Blood rain, as a form of raindrop impact on our lives, and what is the secret petrikora? We responded to these questions.
1. Form raindrops saves all living
Rain clouds usually form at the height of 1000-1200 meters above the ground. If you fall from this height the body weight and the size of a raindrop, then the acceleration of free fall speed it reaches the earth's surface from somewhere 558 km / h.
This year the rain would be a disaster - a drop falling on the ground with such speed would destroy everything in its path. Such a downpour could destroy an entire city. However, this is not happening. And due to the oval shape of drops, which increases the friction force of the atmosphere and can not exceed a certain speed limit, constitutes about 8-10 km / h. It is oval, rather than the form of tears. The latter, apparently, appeared due to the peculiarities of our vision which sees a flying drop slightly smeared, hence the apparent similarity with a tear.
Of course, the rate of incidence also depends on the size and, consequently, of the weight of the drop. But raindrops are rarely more than 5 mm - they break up the flow of air. By the way, perfectly round drops are only those that do not exceed 2 mm.
2.Tsirkulyatsiya 16 million tons
The extent of the water cycle are dazzling. So, every second, approximately 16 million tons of water falls as precipitation on the ground. And at the same moment the same in terms of the mass of the water evaporates into the atmosphere. That is, the day falls to the ground about 306 billion liters of water.
3.Krovavy rain - not a literary fiction
Bloody rain is not only a beautiful metaphor. Showers with drops of red color mentioned by the ancient authors. For example, Plutarch, who talked about the bloody rain falling after major battles with Germanic tribes. He believed that the evaporation from the bloody battlefield air soaked and stained with ordinary water drops in blood red.
Such rare times occurred in history. The last of the famous red rain fell in India in Kerala in 2001. The event was especially unique due to its duration - red rain fell at the same place for two months. If this phenomenon is usually explained by the presence of red sand in the clouds, which can be transferred from the Sahara, but this time the theory has not withstood the test - two months not just change the weather and wind direction.
A special version of the repercussions physics from the University of Mahatma Gandhi, Godfrey Louis, that the red particles in the rain - extraterrestrial origin and are associated with the explosion of a meteor in the upper atmosphere over the Kerala July 25, 2001, just before the first bloody rain. According to another version, which experts have suggested a tropical garden state "red dust" in raindrops, only widespread controversy in India terrestrial microalgae Trentepohlia.
History knows not only the bloody rain. They are black due to volcanic ash, white or milk, at locations where the rock chalk and yellow, or green for pollen. Recently, for example, were held in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2012.
4.Rybny rain
In addition to multi-colored rain on our heads sometimes rains descend from a variety of animal species, particularly sea. Most fish are considered regular rains.
For example, in the department of Yoro, Honduras - rain or fish, local, aguastsero de Pescado, is considered quite a common phenomenon that happens a few times a year, between May and July. Usually it is accompanied by a storm wind, severe thunderstorms and rainfall, which can last up to several hours.
After its completion, on the ground remain hundreds of live fish, which the locals collect and carry home to cook. This unique phenomenon, which every year occur in the same place, scientists still can not find an explanation. Some argue that the main reason is the frequent tornadoes in this region, which rises from the Atlantic Ocean fish and bring down to the nearest land. But tornadoes do it too consistently, which is not typical for the climatic conditions of the region.
Another explanation is that fish mostly river and swims it from the nearest river or stream into the underground cave system. Heavy rain overwhelms the river washes away the fish from its usual habitat, and the leaves on the ground. But how then to explain the huge amount of sardines - sea fish, which are also found among the victims of rain fish? In general, the mystery fish rain in Yoro still not solved.
5.Petrikor - oil freshness
Many people like to wait until it is crisp "aftertaste". For a long time scientists have attributed this to the fact that modern humans have inherited his love for the smell of the ancestors, which was equal to the rainy weather survival. But the whole thing in the natural phenomenon "petrikore" - which occurs when the rain comes after a long drought. In the dry season the plants secrete oils that are absorbed into the ground, and when the rain comes, the oil fumes are released, creating a fragrance. He also appears as a result of the release of special chemicals produced by a soil bacteria - antikomitset.
Besides petrikora, people are impressed and the smell of ozone, which occurs during a thunderstorm because of the splitting of hydrogen and nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere. These, in turn, interact with other substances in the air to form ozone, a strong odor so that like most people.
1. Form raindrops saves all living

Rain clouds usually form at the height of 1000-1200 meters above the ground. If you fall from this height the body weight and the size of a raindrop, then the acceleration of free fall speed it reaches the earth's surface from somewhere 558 km / h.
This year the rain would be a disaster - a drop falling on the ground with such speed would destroy everything in its path. Such a downpour could destroy an entire city. However, this is not happening. And due to the oval shape of drops, which increases the friction force of the atmosphere and can not exceed a certain speed limit, constitutes about 8-10 km / h. It is oval, rather than the form of tears. The latter, apparently, appeared due to the peculiarities of our vision which sees a flying drop slightly smeared, hence the apparent similarity with a tear.
Of course, the rate of incidence also depends on the size and, consequently, of the weight of the drop. But raindrops are rarely more than 5 mm - they break up the flow of air. By the way, perfectly round drops are only those that do not exceed 2 mm.
2.Tsirkulyatsiya 16 million tons

The extent of the water cycle are dazzling. So, every second, approximately 16 million tons of water falls as precipitation on the ground. And at the same moment the same in terms of the mass of the water evaporates into the atmosphere. That is, the day falls to the ground about 306 billion liters of water.
3.Krovavy rain - not a literary fiction

Bloody rain is not only a beautiful metaphor. Showers with drops of red color mentioned by the ancient authors. For example, Plutarch, who talked about the bloody rain falling after major battles with Germanic tribes. He believed that the evaporation from the bloody battlefield air soaked and stained with ordinary water drops in blood red.
Such rare times occurred in history. The last of the famous red rain fell in India in Kerala in 2001. The event was especially unique due to its duration - red rain fell at the same place for two months. If this phenomenon is usually explained by the presence of red sand in the clouds, which can be transferred from the Sahara, but this time the theory has not withstood the test - two months not just change the weather and wind direction.
A special version of the repercussions physics from the University of Mahatma Gandhi, Godfrey Louis, that the red particles in the rain - extraterrestrial origin and are associated with the explosion of a meteor in the upper atmosphere over the Kerala July 25, 2001, just before the first bloody rain. According to another version, which experts have suggested a tropical garden state "red dust" in raindrops, only widespread controversy in India terrestrial microalgae Trentepohlia.
History knows not only the bloody rain. They are black due to volcanic ash, white or milk, at locations where the rock chalk and yellow, or green for pollen. Recently, for example, were held in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2012.
4.Rybny rain

In addition to multi-colored rain on our heads sometimes rains descend from a variety of animal species, particularly sea. Most fish are considered regular rains.
For example, in the department of Yoro, Honduras - rain or fish, local, aguastsero de Pescado, is considered quite a common phenomenon that happens a few times a year, between May and July. Usually it is accompanied by a storm wind, severe thunderstorms and rainfall, which can last up to several hours.
After its completion, on the ground remain hundreds of live fish, which the locals collect and carry home to cook. This unique phenomenon, which every year occur in the same place, scientists still can not find an explanation. Some argue that the main reason is the frequent tornadoes in this region, which rises from the Atlantic Ocean fish and bring down to the nearest land. But tornadoes do it too consistently, which is not typical for the climatic conditions of the region.
Another explanation is that fish mostly river and swims it from the nearest river or stream into the underground cave system. Heavy rain overwhelms the river washes away the fish from its usual habitat, and the leaves on the ground. But how then to explain the huge amount of sardines - sea fish, which are also found among the victims of rain fish? In general, the mystery fish rain in Yoro still not solved.
5.Petrikor - oil freshness

Many people like to wait until it is crisp "aftertaste". For a long time scientists have attributed this to the fact that modern humans have inherited his love for the smell of the ancestors, which was equal to the rainy weather survival. But the whole thing in the natural phenomenon "petrikore" - which occurs when the rain comes after a long drought. In the dry season the plants secrete oils that are absorbed into the ground, and when the rain comes, the oil fumes are released, creating a fragrance. He also appears as a result of the release of special chemicals produced by a soil bacteria - antikomitset.
Besides petrikora, people are impressed and the smell of ozone, which occurs during a thunderstorm because of the splitting of hydrogen and nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere. These, in turn, interact with other substances in the air to form ozone, a strong odor so that like most people.