Out-of-place artifact: Chinese scientists have discovered iron pipes age 150,000 years

Our universe is full of mysteries that do not fit into the established system of knowledge. Topic "Epoch" "Beyond Science" presents articles about unusual phenomena that fuel our imagination and show unprecedented opportunities.
"Out-of-place artifact" - a term that is used for the name of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world. These items indicate the level of technological advances that do not comply by the time they were made. "Out-of-place artifact" is often puzzling conservative scholars and admire the enterprising researchers open to alternative theories and lively debate.
In a mysterious pyramid, located in China's Qinghai Province near Mount Baygun are three caves, they have a pipeline that leads to the salt lake. Under the bed of the lake and on the shore also found iron pipes. They vary in size, some smaller than the diameter of a toothpick. The strange thing that the age of these pipes can reach about 150 000 years.
The Beijing Institute of Geology determined that these iron pipes were melted, about 150 000 years ago, if they really were made by people, writes Brian Dunning online Skeptoid.com.
If they are made by people, the traditional history should be reviewed.
Used for dating thermoluminescence technique that determines how long the crystallized minerals are in sunlight or warming up. People appeared in the region 30,000 years ago, but over the centuries lived here only nomads who does not reserve such buildings.
The state news agency "Xinhua" in 2002 reported on the pyramid, pipes and studies initiated a group of scientists, which was sent to the region to explore.
Some have tried to find arguments in favor of the theory of the natural formation of these tubes, but Yang Ji, a research fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said, "Xinhua", they could be constructed by intelligent beings. He does not reject the hypothesis that they could be created by the aliens, this version is "understandable and worthy of consideration, but for its proof or refutation should use scientific methods».
According to another theory, the pipeline was built by prehistoric people have the technology that were subsequently lost.
Pipes leading to salt lake, although located near fresh water lake. The surrounding area is dotted with "strangely shaped stones." Rocks sticking out of the ground, like a broken pillars.
Head of Public Relations Administration Delhi, Qinghai said "Xinhua" that the tubes were examined at a local foundry, and 8% of the composite material could not be determined. Among other components of the iron oxide, calcium oxide and silicon dioxide.
Calcium oxide and silicon dioxide are formed as a result of prolonged interaction between the iron and the surrounding sandstone, which indicates that old age tubes. Li Shaolin, the engineer who conducted the analysis, said, "Xinhua": "The result of the analysis makes this place even more puzzling».
"Climatic conditions are very severe, - he said. - Here nobody lives, not to mention modern technology, only a few migrant herdsmen to the north side of the mountain ».
Statement Zeng Jianhua, an expert on the geology of the Chinese Society for the Study of earthquakes, added new intrigue. In 2007, he said in an interview with the state newspaper People's Daily, that some of the pipes have increased radioactivity.