MiniGidroElektrostantsiya on your site
Post a guy who washed down to your site miniGidroElektro station when physical help his neighbor.
In principle, everything turned out quite as Budget It was bought only pipe, concrete generator.
47 photo.
On the site the author of this story is a small creek that he decided to use to generate electricity
Since he usually likes to start with kontsa- first thing he built this controller:
The most expensive element of the whole buildings were pipe. He used white PVC pipes, class 2.5. In those places where the pressure exceeds 2 bar, he used the blue PVC pipe 4 class.
To go from the white pipes to sinim- man wanted namutit pipe with a bend of 135 degrees, but could not find a corner piece.
At the point where the water will enter the pipe he built a dam made of planks and other building crap. In the photo I ponimayu- point of entry of water into the pipes.
Neighbor Gabriel helped him dig transheyu- in some places quite shallow occurrence:
Some - quite deep:
Few technical storone- water in the generator will be supplied with a 4 supporters here is one of the connecting elements:
Generators come.
This single-phase synchronous brushless Chinese generators with voltage regulators (Google perevodchik- thank you). The manufacturer Mindong Wanlong Electric.
He just bought a case of 2. One is a backup in case of failure.
The next one photo yet unpacked.
The following schematic shows the pictures as the water will fall on the blades of the generator. This scheme is one of the inputs. In total there will be 4 (as mentioned earlier). Meanwhile, work continued on the installation of the pipes. Gabriel temporarily laying pipe in a trench, to see how they fit.
Here the pipes run along the small area of occurrence in a meadow:
That's actually the neighbor and his son Gabriel, who dug trenches and do other hard work
In some places I had to bend the pipe. As I ponyal- nagrevochny is an element that puts into the tube and heats it to fold
On this photo shows the process of bending pipe
And here is shown nagrevochny element in the pipe. It looks bleak Pts)))
The result looks like bending
The following shows how the pictures pipe connections (if I confuse nothing)
In several places they established air valves. I did not understand the hell they want, but then a man knows better
Before installing the top of the pipe, they decided to see how the water will flow
As a result, by eliminating some of the problems (such as non-uniformity of the slope). They began to fill the trench with the pipe.
The truth is one of the places had to build some semblance of a bridge over a stream
Then a peasant took the cooking grates musorosbornika.Ona has dimensions of 1m in height by 65 centimeters wide, and will be installed under the water at an angle of 45 degrees. The distance between the bars of 16 mm.
Next, the body was welded to the turbine
He also cooked the frame on which it is mounted
He built this wooden form water at the outlet of small hydropower plants.
Next it was fabricated mounting frame for this wooden hrenoviny
Then began the construction of houses for the HPP. All cement and sand Gabriel hauled in a wheelbarrow by hand.
In the pictures shown are already filled with the foundation established in it for mounting structures
Next was srukozhoplen frame house
Which was further decorated with sheet metal.
In the place where the white and blue tube connected area was flooded with a concrete anchor
To house was built formwork into which concrete was poured
After removing the formwork and installation lattice everything looked so
During the night it started to rain and the water poured out of the dam partially slightly interfere with
Now he had to install the technical equipment. This pipe collar with a valve for the hose, which he will be four in the building of hydroelectric power plants.
Unfortunately, collars and nipples (I xs how competently translated the word) have a terrible quality. Collars cast aluminum terribly porous.
Here is one complete nozzle is mounted on the gearbox.
This is a fitting fote direction of flow on the turbine blades.
Further, these components and the case finally got the deserved layer anti-corrosion paint, which was then hidden under a red paint.
On this photo shows a turbine assembly, made up of 16 blades
Four valve and a pressure gauge was installed. The next step was the inclusion of water in the penstock, to study the places where he can burst or places where there may be a leak in the connecting elements (they were there, you can view the source)
A piece of wire mesh over the main filter also assists in filtering. Pressure pipe is filled.
In this photo the author of creation carries the generator assembled on a trolley to the installation site.
After connecting the generator revealed that the current does not meet the necessary specifications and had to manually produce transformer (full cycle I'm here not privozhu- Pts lot of pictures. You can see the original article).
The transformer was installed in a separate house
At the exit were obtained the necessary 220 V at 50 Hz. The generator gave out nearly 20 Amps.
Posted in [mergetime] 1393584360 [/ mergetime]
Itak- pretty budget can be assembled on your site miniGidroElektrostantsiyu giving about 7kW (if I had not messed up).
Salvage was spent on the pipe, concrete generator.
Thank you for your attention.
Original and a large number of pictures here: ludens.cl/paradise/turbine/turbine....tm_medium=email
That's all I wanted to say. Sorry that did not sign the gallery rooms.
In principle, everything turned out quite as Budget It was bought only pipe, concrete generator.
47 photo.

On the site the author of this story is a small creek that he decided to use to generate electricity
Since he usually likes to start with kontsa- first thing he built this controller:

The most expensive element of the whole buildings were pipe. He used white PVC pipes, class 2.5. In those places where the pressure exceeds 2 bar, he used the blue PVC pipe 4 class.

To go from the white pipes to sinim- man wanted namutit pipe with a bend of 135 degrees, but could not find a corner piece.

At the point where the water will enter the pipe he built a dam made of planks and other building crap. In the photo I ponimayu- point of entry of water into the pipes.

Neighbor Gabriel helped him dig transheyu- in some places quite shallow occurrence:

Some - quite deep:

Few technical storone- water in the generator will be supplied with a 4 supporters here is one of the connecting elements:

Generators come.
This single-phase synchronous brushless Chinese generators with voltage regulators (Google perevodchik- thank you). The manufacturer Mindong Wanlong Electric.
He just bought a case of 2. One is a backup in case of failure.

The next one photo yet unpacked.

The following schematic shows the pictures as the water will fall on the blades of the generator. This scheme is one of the inputs. In total there will be 4 (as mentioned earlier). Meanwhile, work continued on the installation of the pipes. Gabriel temporarily laying pipe in a trench, to see how they fit.

Here the pipes run along the small area of occurrence in a meadow:

That's actually the neighbor and his son Gabriel, who dug trenches and do other hard work

In some places I had to bend the pipe. As I ponyal- nagrevochny is an element that puts into the tube and heats it to fold

On this photo shows the process of bending pipe

And here is shown nagrevochny element in the pipe. It looks bleak Pts)))

The result looks like bending

The following shows how the pictures pipe connections (if I confuse nothing)

In several places they established air valves. I did not understand the hell they want, but then a man knows better

Before installing the top of the pipe, they decided to see how the water will flow

As a result, by eliminating some of the problems (such as non-uniformity of the slope). They began to fill the trench with the pipe.

The truth is one of the places had to build some semblance of a bridge over a stream

Then a peasant took the cooking grates musorosbornika.Ona has dimensions of 1m in height by 65 centimeters wide, and will be installed under the water at an angle of 45 degrees. The distance between the bars of 16 mm.

Next, the body was welded to the turbine

He also cooked the frame on which it is mounted

He built this wooden form water at the outlet of small hydropower plants.

Next it was fabricated mounting frame for this wooden hrenoviny

Then began the construction of houses for the HPP. All cement and sand Gabriel hauled in a wheelbarrow by hand.
In the pictures shown are already filled with the foundation established in it for mounting structures

Next was srukozhoplen frame house

Which was further decorated with sheet metal.

In the place where the white and blue tube connected area was flooded with a concrete anchor

To house was built formwork into which concrete was poured

After removing the formwork and installation lattice everything looked so

During the night it started to rain and the water poured out of the dam partially slightly interfere with

Now he had to install the technical equipment. This pipe collar with a valve for the hose, which he will be four in the building of hydroelectric power plants.

Unfortunately, collars and nipples (I xs how competently translated the word) have a terrible quality. Collars cast aluminum terribly porous.

Here is one complete nozzle is mounted on the gearbox.

This is a fitting fote direction of flow on the turbine blades.

Further, these components and the case finally got the deserved layer anti-corrosion paint, which was then hidden under a red paint.

On this photo shows a turbine assembly, made up of 16 blades

Four valve and a pressure gauge was installed. The next step was the inclusion of water in the penstock, to study the places where he can burst or places where there may be a leak in the connecting elements (they were there, you can view the source)

A piece of wire mesh over the main filter also assists in filtering. Pressure pipe is filled.

In this photo the author of creation carries the generator assembled on a trolley to the installation site.

After connecting the generator revealed that the current does not meet the necessary specifications and had to manually produce transformer (full cycle I'm here not privozhu- Pts lot of pictures. You can see the original article).

The transformer was installed in a separate house

At the exit were obtained the necessary 220 V at 50 Hz. The generator gave out nearly 20 Amps.
Posted in [mergetime] 1393584360 [/ mergetime]
Itak- pretty budget can be assembled on your site miniGidroElektrostantsiyu giving about 7kW (if I had not messed up).
Salvage was spent on the pipe, concrete generator.
Thank you for your attention.
Original and a large number of pictures here: ludens.cl/paradise/turbine/turbine....tm_medium=email
That's all I wanted to say. Sorry that did not sign the gallery rooms.
