Scientists from Stanford University have created an application that allows you to listen in using the gyroscope Android-smartphone

Information security occupy the minds of many experts and users. As technology expands and the possibility of different kinds of spyware / hackers who use sometimes very original way to obtain secure information.
Specialists in information security are trying to stay one step ahead, and do invent new ways to spy and eavesdrop in order to prevent the development of devices and their users. "Forewarned - forearmed».
Experts from Stanford have developed an application, Gyrophone, which allows you to convert the gyro device (in this case we are talking about Android-smartphone) as a microphone. It is understood that the iPhone is not the gyroscope for sensing sound, since this module only works with the vibrations below 100 Hz.
appears gyroscopes mounted in Android-device, able to perceive the vibration with a frequency of 80-250 Hz, which allows you to "shoot" record phone conversations without getting access to the microphone. Of course, the recording quality is mediocre, because the available spectrum obtained is very narrow, but a special algorithm allows to obtain a record with more or less acceptable quality. Application created by experts from Stanford, easily gets access to the gyro, because when you install an application permission for this element are not requested (as opposed to access to the same microphone, for example).
Check your device, you can on this ssylochku (Web test, not an app, thanks AHTOLLlKA ).
August 22 designers will show their application at the conference Usenix Security, and while you can see the technical documentation project (.pdf , Eng. language).
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233689/