Kilobots: self-organizing system of the 1024 mini-robots

Even in 2011, Habré appeared a small article about the mini-robots that can work together quite well (under the strict guidance of a team of researchers from Harvard). Developers explore these miniature robots can create serious self-organizing systems that can perform useful tasks (research environment, removal of hazardous substances, the study areas after natural and manmade disasters).
Previously, the system shows good results, but developers can manage 10-100 robots simultaneously, not more. Now the team has achieved another success: self-organized already managed more than 1,000 robots, to be exact, 1024. Sami robots called Kilobots (actually, everything is logical).
// player.vimeo.com/video/103329200 video>
Each robot is a device with a diameter of approximately 3 centimeters, which is powered by 3, 4B battery. Robots have three legs rigidly fixed with two vibrating motor between the legs (legs do not move, the motion is carried out by little motor).
Robots communicate with each other via infrared signals which are received by all the nearest neighbors of the robot emitting a signal. The behavior of these devices is something similar to the behavior of ants, the scientists were able to achieve even drag a group of large objects such robots. I think everyone saw how the ants carry a large caterpillar, initially chaotic movement where everyone pulls in the party turns into a purposeful movement toward the anthill. So with robots - a couple of minutes they "understand" what and where to wear, and dragged his burden, showing quite effective results.
According to the developers, the behavioral model of the robot is limited to four types of commands: the alignment of the group, the formation of the gradient, the calculation of the distance from the starting point and localization. In addition, each microrobot monitors the position of its nearest neighbors - this is done to ensure that robots do not form a "mala bunch", bumping and turning each other.
Now in 1024 the robots as shown above, can create any complex shape defined by the operator. The basis of the system always serves several micro-robots (4 units), indicates the starting point of construction, and all other robots are already grouped around a single center.
Via + cnet
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233419/