Saxophone for the first time printed on a 3D printer

Now, as 3D printers are becoming more affordable and practical, these devices are not only buying geeks, but also ordinary people who need to print something for work, or for yourself. In general, and range of facilities that print the 3D-printer, is constantly expanding.
This and toys, and cars, and the whole house. Print even musical instruments, including guitars and violins. A few days ago, the network has information about the first saxophone, printed on a 3D printer.
to create an entire musical instrument needed 41 separate parts. However, the spring for the keys had to insert the usual, as the author of this project (Olaf Diegel) not learned how to create a 3D printer also spring. In addition, there are other details that are not published (eg, small screws, fastening details).

Nevertheless, all the rest - is the product of 3D printer, and below you can hear a sample of music played on the instrument is made of nylon.
Here's another video, where the same author tells about the process of creating a guitar that is also printed on a 3D printer:
Via theverge
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/232469/
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