Facts about heart

Every day our heart produces an amount of energy that would have been enough to move heavy truck over a distance of 32 kilometers.

Thus, for human life the total energy of the heart could provide a flight to the moon and back.

The heart delivers blood nearly 75 trillion cells in our body.

The only body that does not require blood supply - the cornea of the eye.

If you add up the amount of blood flowing through the heart of our lives over the years with her expectancy, you get about a half million barrels or 200 rail tank cars.

Heart cells begin to function even during the fourth week of fetal development rights.

The biggest heart - in the blue whale. It weighs more than 680 pounds.

Special studies have shown that the level of education reduces the risk of heart disease.

Despite this, heart disease still remains a major threat to human life.

Symptoms of this disease have been found even in mummies three thousand years ago.

Peaks of heart attacks accounted for some reason on Christmas and New Year.

During the week, the maximum probability of a heart attack coming on Monday morning.

In 1929, German surgeon Werner Forssmann explored the inner regions of their own hearts, introducing a catheter through a vein hands. This was the first case of cardiac catheterization, who later became routine medical procedure.

December 3, 1967 Dr. Christian Barnard of South Africa transplanted donor heart in the body of Luis Vashanski. Despite the fact that the patient had lived with a transplanted heart is only 18 days, it is considered the first successful heart transplant experience.

Woman's heart, usually beats faster than a man's.

The perfect tool, promotes healthy heart - laugh! It can increase the intensity of circulation by 20 percent by relaxing the walls of blood vessels.

Reliable scientific information about the historical origins of the idea of the relationship of heart and love to date is missing. Many ancient civilizations linked heart with feelings, emotions, but some historians agree that priority should be given to the ancient Greeks.

Lyrical image of "broken heart" is under a certain scientific basis. The fact is that in the human body experiences a strong emotional shock, provide appropriate stress hormones. Getting through the blood to the heart, they can cause temporary shock and sometimes even imaginary symptoms of a heart attack.

Recent studies of Swedish scientists have established that people who sing in the choir, synchronized heart rhythms.

Source: list25.com