Do not feed the bears!

The noise of breaking branches and good pohryukivanie Big Dipper made to look and linger on the edge of the road. The distance was more than safe, about 20 meters.
Bear, jealously guard their offspring, - this is the worst meeting, about which one can dream.

Family and bears share the creek. Someone threw a piece of bread, which it reached, the family fell on the beach ... It was a mistake.

Brown little family for a long time hesitated, looked at each other, shifting from foot to foot, and yet hunger forced the predator to make the first step to eating.

Caution From this point to bear no difference what he eats ... or a piece of bread, smelling man or a bear ... Prikarmlivaya man stuffs his attraction to itself. In the future, it will seek a meeting with the people always!

Bear's impossible to feed the handouts, they can eat at a time of 30-40 kg, and if you do not eat, far away from the food will not go away ... If you tell him you will feed all the stocks, he would walk up to you and is not going to eat you, because I well remember the smell Food!

Mother watched eagerly absorbed cubs cakes and cookies, but as soon as the meal is over, the problems started.

Although there was a man at a safe distance, a bear to make a breakthrough. And it was at a distance of 5 meters. Enraged pressed her ears, stood up on his hind legs, began to roar and show his teeth, demanding continuation of the banquet. So close the man was not a predator. All were already in the car, and he slowly stepped back without showing his back to the beast

A week after the meeting, the man learned that the same scenario, the same 108 km, the bear was killed by a driver who was forced to stop for repairs in the taiga.

A couple of orphans fed from passing vehicles, loss of natural food production skills.

And it all started with an abandoned piece of bread ...

Source: drs-radchenko.livejournal.com