"Do No Harm", or How to avoid becoming a corporation
Hi, habrovchane! My name is Michael Zavileysky I - CEO wonderful company DataArt. We are engaged in IT-outsourcing for many years, and all these years doing everything possible to stay in the spirit of the same small group of professionals gathered to make you love, with which all once and began. And now let us have more than a thousand, we desperately try not to become a "corporation».
About 10 years ago to work with us passed several employees from a rival company. Companies are very good at that time much more mature and successful than we are. In my natural question of why it was said that competing companies, remaining still a little "too quickly began to take on the big drawbacks." Thought firmly stuck in my head, and for ten years we have tried to grow, but the disadvantages of purchase as slowly as possible.
Where in the companies take extra routine, useless functions and managers, aimless reports and rituals? Basically, it is a consequence of three reasons:
1. Excessive systematization.
2. Inertia and templates.
3. Management errors.
Excessive systematization - when, instead of the order of creation is a struggle against chaos. If we make a description of the processes, the comprehensive. If the quality is lame without a quality system can not do. If a company spends more than it earns, we must first clearly allocate all costs for profit centers. Actually, it's all good ideas, but very time-consuming. And there is a good chance that will not look good.
The universe is chaotic, and entropy increases. Life itself is rowing against the tide, and the bosses as the dominant form of life begins to believe that the flow can be reversed. But - will not work.
Process variable, adapting to changes in the environment and to each other. A description - no, they become obsolete or require forces to constant adjustments. And this - the cost, the price of change. And we or kosteneem, or looking for someone who is willing to pay that price. Before formalize something, you need to be sure: there is someone who would be willing to pay more. Oh, and periodically check that it is still here;).
The quality system is to set standards and monitor their compliance with the successful establishment of standards is a complex task that requires creativity and wisdom. A creativity and wisdom in our world of substance scarce, but wanting to control colleagues - a dime a dozen. It turns out that the whip is guaranteed and gingerbread must still be able to earn.
In the allocation of costs you can find many interesting things, but not the truth. Commercial organizations are made up of people that make value-added benefits for themselves. In a healthy balanced the interests of the organization, and there is a balance in the feelings of people. Achieve sustainable sensations can be a variety of means, and not necessarily at the same time produce multi-table and force managers to spend hours and hours on dozens of accounting exercises.
Because we live for many years without a quality system described processes and distribution system costs. Describe something only when bothers to tell the same words alone many times. And the approach to quality and cost more expertise: continuous monitoring allows to identify problems and intervene only on the problems. When everything is going well, just try not to interfere.
It helps with the problem of inertia. The greater the cost, the reverent attitude to our organizational assets. If less strain easier to part with their belongings. But still not easy. We declare the principle that allows any colleague to clarify the meaning of certain duties and tasks, and without a satisfactory answer recommend simply refrain from executing. But it works so-so - it's all very accustomed to, and requests that the instructions manual self-worth. Not very good to seek out and cancel unnecessary routine and leadership, it is a pity to destroy something, you want to keep, even if "just in case". While regular crises help make big tidy and upgrades processes, but the whole world is looking for ways of crisis-free development, and we seem to have to look for effective ways to build organizational debris.
Even more dangerous than the inertia - the template when the practice of one company or business models are transferred to another thoughtlessly. For example, in mature companies and industries have a tradition of sustainable budget planning, even when uncollected money is divided between the centers of wages in advance. It works well - at the expense of experienced financiers, stocks or leverage statistics. But for creative companies, where the situation is changing rapidly, and the lion's share of the cost falls on the payroll, financial planning is difficult to separate from project management and people. If you try to dance on the budget, and not from the people and relationships, it turns ineffective and curves unloaded people are expensive and poor budgets for travel and consumables are subject to control, which has the busiest and helpful colleagues.
We have found a way to carefully near real-time, counting money, analyze its financial position and cash flow control, but budget decisions are made "on the spot". 95+% approved budget requests, of which 90% - less than a day, with no crash occurs. If something goes wrong, you need to ask is all, and the situation is corrected. If the company makes almost always, sometimes morally easily help companies even in the small case of belt-tightening.
Finally, people make mistakes and do stupid things. All. I do a forerunner in this case. Because really care about the environment, which will reduce the likelihood of errors and / or minimize their effects. Preferably without prejudice to the motivation. The best recipes here too simple-minded.
The higher the boss, the more the cost of failure. Because we do not have "the most important chiefs." Everything is divided into zones of responsibility, which always hide behind collectively and dynamically. Decisions are made collectively and publicly. Yes, there is no single point of decision-making and the "real responsibility". But it works, and the existence of "real responsibility" than criminal, I doubt today's economic reality.
The higher the load, the more bugs. Because it is not necessary to reboot and reboot colleagues. Yes, the price - excessive administrative apparatus, low wages as a consequence. But many people like, and significant turnover is observed. But slept or go on vacation brain thinks much better and less buggy.
Finally, the worst. We are not "see" each other's mistakes and let throwing unsuccessful organizational undertaking halfway and "quietly". Yes, with lessons learned turns really bad. Such are the "Eastern" tradition. But there is no need to defend and justify the delusion lost money with new spending. And for lack of exchange of best practices. It is better to show off and more praise each other we still need to learn.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/dataart/blog/228577/
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