Gorge Frasassi (Italy)

Bright natural attraction of Italy is an unusual complex of underground passages and caves, which extends under the Apennine mountains to thirteen kilometers.

For the first time cavers discovered these magnificent cave in 1971, and four years later they became available for tourists. Since that time, Ancona, considered a little-known region of Italy, thanks to its unique underground country gained international fame.
Gorge Frasassi stretched between the cliffs almost three kilometers above its outlines pretty "bother" the water of the river Centenni that flows from the north-eastern part of the peninsula. Huge caves, built like a marble column in all shapes, formed over millions of years by the action of erosion.

It should be noted that the complex consists of several Frasassi cave systems, among them the largest is the Great Cave of the Winds. The limestone walls of the gorge pestreyut zevami caves, one of them is located Chapel of Santa Maria del Frasassi, dating from the eleventh century, and the octagonal church, built on the orders of Pope Leo XII in 1828.

Visitors come to this wonderful world in an artificial trail that goes deep into the limestone hills more than a kilometer. Through a short tunnel, hewn in the rock, opens the entrance to the huge size grotto, which experts compare with the Duomo Cathedral. In the center of this huge grotto in the darkness lurking Ancona abyss, the depth of which just can not be called until now. Not far from this abyss can see a huge stalagmite appropriately named Giant.
