Martian anniversary Curiosity: the whole year on the Red Planet

Self Jubilee Curiosity i>
Since Curiosity is on Mars, and Mars is celebrating an anniversary. Today, exactly a Martian year (687 Earth days) from the date of the landing of the rover on the surface of the planet.
Jubilee celebrated in NASA, by creating a festive self-Reptilians Martian rover. Self, as usual, created from many individual photographs taken device. How are these photos Habré already mentioned, there is a video below with an explanation.
So rover photographed himself:
And here is a brief report from the team:

The path traversed by the rover, is marked in red. White line - the path that the rover will be held in the near future.
It will be recalled that the main objective was to determine the rover possible existence of conditions suitable for life. I.e. - the presence of a suitable atmosphere in the past, liquid water, and other conditions. Almost immediately it became clear that, yes, the climate and atmosphere of ancient Mars were suitable for sustaining life.
So, in August 2012. Curiosity discover ancient river bed in the landing site. Near the landing site was investigated area called Yellowknife Bay, where the rover, after detailed examination areas, laser spectroscopy and sampling of soil, was able to give a clear answer "yes" to the question, Is usloviviya Gale Crater (Mars in the distant past) for the existence of life.
In addition, an important goal was and is to measure the level of background radiation of the Red Planet. This information is vital for planning future manned missions to Mars.
Via nasa
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227387/
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