How to make the crisis

When we were thrown out of the plane, the luggage to us, of course, was not given.
Therefore, all the tangible and intangible assets we have - only
toilet door, you still brought with them. And anyway, despite
on absinthe, you we were the most thrifty - in the wallet you,
quite by accident, discovered a $ 100 bill. Thus,
our United States are non-financial assets - the door and financial assets, they
as the money supply - $ 100. It's all our savings. Since we
more nothing at all, then you can say so - we have one
tangible asset - the door of the money supply of $ 100. Ie.
Our door is worth $ 100.
A little sober, we decide that we must somehow settle. Most
fastest of us turned Hronoskopist. He immediately announced that he creates
bank and ready to take to the growth in the population available cash savings under
3% per annum - well, a man can not sit idle. You give him $ 100 and he
their records in a notebook in an article entitled "Liabilities - & gt; Dipazity. " But I also do not
bast slurped soup - I wonder if that much time is investigating
Economic muhlezh - I know how to take away from you and the door, and $ 100. I
I suggest you take your $ 100 increase at 5% per annum. Sees a leaf from
his notebook and write on it - "Ablegitsiya $ 100 at 5% per annum." You
feel that you are flooded. Withdraw money from frustrated
Hronoskopista with dipazita and gave them to me in exchange for my ablegatsiyu.
I take your $ 100 and put them on the bank back dipozit rejoiced
For good, this could be, and to calm down and go do all
business - palm shake or dive for shellfish, ingratiate yourself bread
daily, so to speak. But you know Well - I irrepressible financial genius,
such trifles as coconuts and oysters do not interest me. Pushed around by
our island - 50 steps from the south coast to the north, and 30
west to east, I come up with a brilliant combination. I come to you and
offer from scratch to earn an additional 1% per annum. Take to the bank
Hronoskopista loan at 4%, and buy me another abligatsiyu under 5%.
Second ablegatsiyu $ 100 I immediately subscribe to the scratchpad leaf and
waving it in front of your nose. Without thinking, you run to the bank and take
loan of $ 100 bail ablegatsii my first $ 100. They are there - I have them
there put on dipazit. You give me a loan of $ 100 and hides second
ablegatsiyu into his wallet - now you have my ablegatsy $ 200.
A $ 100 I put in the bank - now I have $ 200 on there dipazite. Hronoskopist
as many jumps for joy - credit business Poper.
I think this will stop? Yeah, right now - I wrote you a third
ablegatsiyu. Running a bank for a loan secured by a second ablegatsii. Closer to
evening, impinging on the island with this hundred bucks and tattered all
leaves from a notebook on ablegatsii, we have the following picture. You have to
$ 5000 my ablegatsy and I dipazitov $ 5,000 in the bank. Now, I
feel that the time has come to lay their hands on your door. I suggest
buy it from you for $ 100. But you vrednichaet - door-then only one, and
wring price of $ 1000. Well, so $ 1,000 $ 1,000 - in the end I have to
deposit lies as much as $ 5,000. I'm on the last sheet of the scratchpad sending
Hronoskopistu payment order, transfer $ 1000 from my dipazita on
Either, and takes your door.
If our accounting department to pay US economist with Harvard
diploma, he informed us that our US $ 1,000 a material
assets in the form of a door, and $ 10,000 in the form of financial assets and ablegatsy
dipazitov. E. That the value of our total assets increased
per day to 110 times.
Less subtle and educated person would say that we - three moron at
We both had one door and $ 100, and remains, and that only the down and out
morons all day could tear the leaves from a notebook, instead
pick coconuts. Who is right - decide. But the mechanism
relative growth of house prices is such that in the US, Japan,
in Russian.