In some myths believed children and adolescents 80

Blades in the cud
Chewing gum is imported for the first time were able to try the lucky ones who took part in 1957 in the VI Festival of Youth and Students. In the 80 years cud among children was the subject of bargaining and "speculation." Winner wrappers "Turbo", which appeared in the late 80's, automatically "lift" in the eyes of peers. What can we say about those who could effectively remove from a pocket pack of gum and offer it to friends. At this time, there were rumors among students that are still not dormant "enemies" invent new diversion on harm Soviet pioneers, which in some gum placed the blade. Many children are so "imbued" these stories that as an adult, continued before use to break a stick of gum into two halves.

In 1965, the Soviet Union 60 million copies was struck first jubilee ruble. By itself, the amount of one ruble was already a Soviet child wealth, not to mention the unusual commemorative coins. In the 80 years of Soviet children deliriously told parents that there is some secret government organization that is willing to change the jubilee ruble on the real car. Causes of unprecedented generosity seemed quite clear: iron Ruble allegedly made of the miracle of the metal, which was relentlessly hunted Japanese and Americans. The metal was so secret that its exact name, no one knew how, however, and the names of organizations that exchange rubles for automobiles.

Red film
Adolescents 80 there is a myth that if you charge the camera in a red mysterious film, the people in the photograph are obtained without clothes. This film is, of course, no one has ever seen, but all have dreams. Students who are fortunate enough to get the camera, photographed with classmates shouted: "Now you're on the red tape" than the latter was adjusted to hysterics. However, incriminating photos, of course, no one ever saw.

In the 80 years of the USSR there was one of the first electronic games. Thousands of Soviet schoolchildren were watching like a wolf on a black and white screen catches the egg. Apparently, trying to somehow justify their tomfoolery, while peers are scouring the city in search of scrap metal and waste paper, the owners of the game was told that if we succeed to get a certain amount of points will be shown chic Disney cartoons. Not advanced in computers older generation believed that it is possible. Wolf did when a certain result made some ridiculous gestures, but to call them the cartoon could be a huge stretch.

Dried bloodsuckers
About how much weighs mosquito do not seem to think even scientists. But Soviet schoolchildren in 80 years often disguises how many mosquitoes have to kill to collect "herbarium" weight in kilograms. The reason for finding a solution to this unusual puzzles became a legend that a kilogram of dried mosquitoes gave something "super-duper". What exactly - no one knew. Sometimes it was a very large sum of money. The main problem, according to young naturalists, was the fact that less than one kilogram did not take, and on the collection of entomological collection target weight could leave all of life.

"TRY" FOR karateka
The peak of popularity of karate in the Soviet Union, too, has fallen to 80 years, despite numerous bans. Boys eagerly imitated the men who won the crowd of opponents bare hands. Cry "Kiya!" And traditional karate stance knew almost every schoolboy. Sometimes the "self-taught" "hone skills" through "people's training system." For example, if for a long time to rub the edge of the palm of slate pencil, you can then easily destroy the bricks. There are two conditions that must be honored. First, the pencil must be Chinese. Second, it was necessary to spend the entire slate. Needless to say, that control the imported products in the 80s was not quite easy, and the patience to perform "exercises" not missing too many. The most purposeful, however, to bring the case to the end, and have often been in the hospital with broken fingers or wrists.

Magic figure
Brand new bike brand "Eaglet" for many Soviet schoolchildren was only a dream. Thus was born the myth that promised to "make a fairy tale come true." If you collect the mysterious figures that unclear why housed in one of the cartons of cigarettes packs "Space", you can become a proud owner of your own vehicle. There are many variations of this legend: the figures can be found not only in packs "Cosmos", but in other cigarettes, and for the complete combination is not allowed to bike and pneumatic gun. Has the someone to collect all the numbers from 1 to 15, and where the miracle exchange - history is silent about this, but the fact that his father's pack of cigarettes were controlled and mercilessly tortured in search of the magic numbers - the fact.
Haunt the consciousness of Soviet children myth-horror story about traveling about the expanses of the USSR black tinted bus (or the Volga). Ostensibly it under various pretexts, luring children and took them to an unknown destination. For what purposes - history is silent. Learn "ruined millions" bus could very easily: his license plate attended two "C" and "D", which stands not only as "the death of Soviet children" cautionary tale once and discourage hunting obedient children to talk to strangers and even more so for them to sit in the car. In addition, many parents are intimidated by their children stories about toys killer that can be found on the street. At home toys "activated" and ruined not only small owners, but also the whole family. Bringing home such finds strictly prohibited.

Source: russian7.ru