Cat, kittens and little ROC.
Part one. COTE
He lives in my cat. No, the correct would be: cat.
Honored! For knocked him the other day 18.
This nobleman, handpicked from the shop in the Queen and of course named as befits a gentleman Murzik.
Change jobs, apartments, wife ...... A cat remains. Bag collected, Murzik under his arm, and all roads are open. Zinger that even until now.
Deaf true))) I thought that at first, "oborzel bastard!" Cease to occur when the door opens. Previously raced towards. And now sleeps brat. Then I realized-deaf)) budish him, and he jumps up, who's here ??? So zhivem.V light approaching old age (its) long thought to have his pet to have fun was (he).
Old people should stay young, it makes them more meaningful existence. ©
Part two. Kitten
Brought me this morning to work in a marvelous town Zaraysk. And I was there a few hours free.
Give think I'll go have a look local Kremlin. There are people who dream to move to live in a "small town with narrow streets and two-story houses." Romantic! With me in the head was born the word "SAD". No offense zaraytsam and residents of other small towns. You can call me a snob Moscow and other bad words, but it is my feeling. In Europe, in small towns by the way even more depressing.
I mean walked around the Kremlin. Go to the exit.
From flowerbeds hear heartbreaking squeak. Two kittens. Black and white. Well, I think fate)) Went to church in the Kremlin ask Servants whose zhivotinku and whether you can pick up.
The answer is in the best traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church: They planted a few days ago. Everything in the temple climb, tired of chase. Pick of course, and then they would die of hunger here !!!
Rezanulo course of hearing, but at first as it did not pay attention ... Continued follow.
Reached into a flower bed, went black. The first went into the hands of then pulled the lucky ticket. White was yelling in the flowerbed. Pick up and went to look for veterinarku to conduct diagnostics ragamuffin. In the hands immediately went limp, relaxed.
The doctor looked like a neat little says. Only hungry. Fattening will Murzik ward. The girl was.
Part three. Kitten
Held recently by TV story about a boy from the Slavic Genet. Which can not be evacuated from the hospital because he was on artificial respiration. Advocacy, information warfare, just war, Maidana, nicknames .... All this does not matter ... the eyes !!! The eyes of Eugene !!! Plates in pollitsa full of horror and hope. THIS PIPETS comrades! It is understood that all who accept it spit on it.
But after that scene, those eyes periodically pops up in memory ...... and hopelessness. Because it is unlikely to get something done specifically in this case. And it goes without project these eye on the remaining white kitten. And I felt the horror again. From the Nurse away. Thrown into the street. But even together! And suddenly there was a hand and he is one ...... horror. Of course there are people here kitty. Like incomparable. But the horror same.
Urgently looking for someone to attach the white and pick up food. He walks around the yard and yells than ever.
Rodstvennichkov reunited. Each other immediately entwined on rukah- bear uncomfortable. Behind the wheel the more. I went back to church with them.
Give please, say some box. Granny seller (!!!) said in a closet look cleaner. Box with flowers and some sort of rags there, but can you take does not know. It is worth a pile of boxes with something against the wall, I ask: Is it possible to release? And the next response blew, "No. There ITEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "And then he remembered the words of that would die of hunger. And the priests shiny. And hucksters in the churches. And partiarhi in gold. Spat, turned around and left.
Part Four. Cat and kittens.
The second girl was also
Yin and Yang
Domoy.Poznakomil brought the patriarch.
Huddled behind a chair. Sleep.
Everything. Just thought to share the news, and to receive a stream of thoughts ... Zvinyayte)
He lives in my cat. No, the correct would be: cat.

Honored! For knocked him the other day 18.

This nobleman, handpicked from the shop in the Queen and of course named as befits a gentleman Murzik.

Change jobs, apartments, wife ...... A cat remains. Bag collected, Murzik under his arm, and all roads are open. Zinger that even until now.

Deaf true))) I thought that at first, "oborzel bastard!" Cease to occur when the door opens. Previously raced towards. And now sleeps brat. Then I realized-deaf)) budish him, and he jumps up, who's here ??? So zhivem.V light approaching old age (its) long thought to have his pet to have fun was (he).

Old people should stay young, it makes them more meaningful existence. ©

Part two. Kitten
Brought me this morning to work in a marvelous town Zaraysk. And I was there a few hours free.

Give think I'll go have a look local Kremlin. There are people who dream to move to live in a "small town with narrow streets and two-story houses." Romantic! With me in the head was born the word "SAD". No offense zaraytsam and residents of other small towns. You can call me a snob Moscow and other bad words, but it is my feeling. In Europe, in small towns by the way even more depressing.

I mean walked around the Kremlin. Go to the exit.
From flowerbeds hear heartbreaking squeak. Two kittens. Black and white. Well, I think fate)) Went to church in the Kremlin ask Servants whose zhivotinku and whether you can pick up.

The answer is in the best traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church: They planted a few days ago. Everything in the temple climb, tired of chase. Pick of course, and then they would die of hunger here !!!
Rezanulo course of hearing, but at first as it did not pay attention ... Continued follow.

Reached into a flower bed, went black. The first went into the hands of then pulled the lucky ticket. White was yelling in the flowerbed. Pick up and went to look for veterinarku to conduct diagnostics ragamuffin. In the hands immediately went limp, relaxed.

The doctor looked like a neat little says. Only hungry. Fattening will Murzik ward. The girl was.

Part three. Kitten
Held recently by TV story about a boy from the Slavic Genet. Which can not be evacuated from the hospital because he was on artificial respiration. Advocacy, information warfare, just war, Maidana, nicknames .... All this does not matter ... the eyes !!! The eyes of Eugene !!! Plates in pollitsa full of horror and hope. THIS PIPETS comrades! It is understood that all who accept it spit on it.
But after that scene, those eyes periodically pops up in memory ...... and hopelessness. Because it is unlikely to get something done specifically in this case. And it goes without project these eye on the remaining white kitten. And I felt the horror again. From the Nurse away. Thrown into the street. But even together! And suddenly there was a hand and he is one ...... horror. Of course there are people here kitty. Like incomparable. But the horror same.
Urgently looking for someone to attach the white and pick up food. He walks around the yard and yells than ever.

Rodstvennichkov reunited. Each other immediately entwined on rukah- bear uncomfortable. Behind the wheel the more. I went back to church with them.

Give please, say some box. Granny seller (!!!) said in a closet look cleaner. Box with flowers and some sort of rags there, but can you take does not know. It is worth a pile of boxes with something against the wall, I ask: Is it possible to release? And the next response blew, "No. There ITEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "And then he remembered the words of that would die of hunger. And the priests shiny. And hucksters in the churches. And partiarhi in gold. Spat, turned around and left.

Part Four. Cat and kittens.
The second girl was also


Yin and Yang

Domoy.Poznakomil brought the patriarch.



Huddled behind a chair. Sleep.
Everything. Just thought to share the news, and to receive a stream of thoughts ... Zvinyayte)