The IBM opened a new class of strong self-healing polymers

Recently the corporation IBM announced an interesting discovery in the field of industrial polymers: creating a new class of polymers that can regenerate itself, recyclable and resistant to mechanical damage.
It is worth noting that most of the current industrial polymers (generally, this thermosetting polymers) used in electronics are not recyclable. This, by itself, creates certain difficulties for recycling "waste material", also increases the cost of production.
The novel polymers developed at IBM, devoid of conventional drawbacks - they can be processed, plus they also possess a number of additional benefits, such as self-healing capabilities. With this new class of polymers has been opened, it can be said coincidence.
research was conducted within the project of finding a new type of material whose properties can be set in advance.
With the help of computer systems IBM scientists were able to simulate a rough structure and the chemical structure of this class of substances, then began the practical stage, the purpose of which was the creation of a new class of polymers. On the task employed several scientists, including Jeannette Garcia (Jeannette M. Garcia). Once Jeannette mistake in the procedure of mixing the components, and the error was the key - instead of the expected polymer of the polymer formed in the flask with several other properties. To take a sample of the resulting material had a hammer to break the flask, and the damage the polymer did not work, so he was strong.

The polymer obtained Jeannette, was investigated using a scanning electron microscope, and the scientists were able to identify the structure of matter. After processing the data on the PC, experts have found that the plastic is formed by combining the paraformaldehyde, and 4, 4-oxydianiline by condensation. When exposed to high temperatures of 250 degrees Celsius new type of plastic becomes extremely durable due to the formation of covalent bonds and displacement of the solvent.
They also found that by mixing a polymer with carbon microscopically small fibers form a composite material, very durable (durability of 60-100 MPa at 20 degrees C), able to some extent to heal (the formation of small cracks).
The second plastic from the same group of polymers has already been created not by chance, it calculated the structure on the PC and synthesized. Plastic is an elastic gel at ambient temperature. Thus a plastic being cut into pieces, which are then combined together, very quickly restored preserving the strength of the original material.
According to experts of IBM second type of plastic can be used as a very strong adhesive, and also for the transportation of certain types of substances.
Both substances have received their own names: "Titan" and "Sea". Incidentally, these plastics belong to the group of thermosetting polymers. Plastics, polymers of this group can not be reused, as mentioned earlier. The properties of the materials is quite open group of polymers can process plastics that group without any problems, using them again and again.
You can use the discovery in areas such as transportation, aerospace, electronics. According to experts, the discovery of this magnitude in this area do not do already age 10.
The research results were published in the article journal Science.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ibm/blog/223871/