Are we developing?

Is human evolution is over? It is this question puzzled Briana Pobiner (Briana Pobiner), anthropologist American National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution. At the two-day conference on the future of the people of the planet, as well as life beyond Earth and deep space, she stressed that with the development of a person due to medical advances continue to develop and parasites. "It is necessary to look into the eyes of our ancient relatives. Why do most human ancestors became extinct, and Homo sapiens survived? The answer lies in the human brain, "- says anthropologist.

Some features of human evolution

Weight human brain is only 2 percent of the total weight of the body, however, consumes more than 20 percent of the total energy. The most serious evolutionary changes have occurred in the outer part of the brain known as the neocortex, which is responsible for abstract thinking, long-term planning, empathy and speech. Is the development of the human brain people will eventually have huge heads and skinny bodies, as shown in sci-fi movies? Historically, the birth process has limited the size of the brain, because babies have to pass through the birth canal. Today, however, cesarean procedure bypasses this process.

Pobiner notes that more than 46 per cent of children born in China, come into the world because of caesarean section. What happens with natural selection, given the advances in fertility and improve perinatal medicine?

The world's population is constantly growing, and the people themselves are actively developing. However, with rising sea levels and a decrease in the amount of space available for housing a variety of diseases is much easier to spread.

The largest virus ever found was a virus that existed in permafrost conditions, known as Pitovirus (Pithovirus). While this particular virus is not dangerous to humans, what would happen if the "thaw" life-threatening human parasite?

For example, according to the World Health Organization smallpox was eradicated in 1979, but some experts say that it was able to rid the surface of the earth only, but it could survive in the frozen form.

Human evolution is saved in other areas, such as natural selection. A recent study found that beards are becoming more attractive when the number of carriers in the population decreases significantly.

Experts have found that when it comes time "peak" their popularity has started to fall. Economic conditions may also affect the desire to wear a beard, because jobless or malozarabatyvayuschie men can grow it as a sign of masculinity, they can not emphasize financial security.

So what is the answer to a question about human evolution? "As long as man exists, it will evolve," - summed up Pobiner.

Unnecessary parts of the human body

1) Goosebumps

We cover goosebumps when we are afraid, cold, we are excited or angry. Other representatives of the animal world covered with goose bumps, for similar reasons, which is why wool cat, for example, becomes erect. When it's cold, raised hair does not give the air "away" from the skin, thereby keeping warm. When frightened, raised wool helps the animal look bigger than it actually is. Man does not need these properties, but they haunt us from the past, when people who have been so scary. That is, the process of natural selection coat removed, and the mechanism has not yet managed to eliminate.

2) The VNO

This amazing body talks about the evolution of our appeal. He is with us in the nose is the olfactory processes and detects pheromones. With the help of some animals find a mate, and also calculate the risk.

People still are born with that body, however, is still at a very early stage of development people need it anymore. Today, people use more effective methods of finding your partner.

3) Junk DNA

In humans, there are genetic mechanisms that at one time to produce enzymes for vitamin C. This DNA works in most animals living today on the planet, but in the history of human evolution, it was blocked at a certain stage.

This junk DNA suggests that all species on Earth have a common origin.

4) Additional ear muscles

Animals use ear muscles to control our ears. They turn them to concentrate on a certain sound. In humans, these muscles are also present, however, they are almost atrophied.

Very good extra ear muscles are developed in cats.

5) The plantar muscle

This muscle is needed for animals that take and use objects with his feet. This can be observed in monkeys. In humans, it too, but much less developed. Often it is used by doctors when they need tissue for reconstruction of any part of the body.

Plantar muscle - it's an absolute vestige: more than 9 percent of people are born without it.

6) Wisdom Teeth

The main food of early human ancestors were of plant origin. Plants were to be eaten quickly and in large quantities in order to get the proper amount of body nutrients. That is why the ancient man was another set of molars, which accelerates the process of chewing food. This was important because the body of our ancestor was not able to fully digest the cellulose.

However, over time, our power system has changed, jaw dropped, and the wisdom teeth were out of work. Some people do not know what it is, while others continue to suffer.

7) The third eyelid

Observe how the process of Blink the cat, and you will notice his eyes white membrane, which is the third century. Among mammals, this feature is quite rare, but it is common to many species of birds, fish and reptiles.

People also have a third eyelid, but it greatly reduced in size.

8) Darwin's tubercle

This part of the body is in most mammals, man is no exception. Tubercle was intended to better capture the sounds, but people no longer need this function.

This feature has not everyone. According to some reports, he found only 10 percent of the people.

9) The coccyx

Everyone knows that the coccyx is a part of the tail. In the evolution of demand in the wake of a man no longer, but the need remains in the coccyx, because it works as a supporting structure of some muscles, and helps a person to sit down and lean back.

10) Appendix

The human body does not need the appendix, so when it starts in inflammatory processes, it is removed. Most experts support the view of Darwin that this body is assisted in processing cellulose.

However, over time the human diet has changed significantly, and therefore the need has disappeared in the appendix.


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