Expensive and cheap digital technology - this is one and the same product !!!
This is the interior of a super-duper Blu-Ray players Lexicon BD-30 for $ 3,500.
But the interior of Blu-Ray players Oppo BDP-83 for $ 500 (we have products of this company called BBK).
Yeah, big surprise. Within the hi-end player and a budget Chinese unit were completely identical
Experts online publications are not too lazy to compare two twin unit that differ in price seven times, frequency characteristics and other parameters. Of course, no difference in sound quality was not found.
Source ammo1.livejournal.com/505243.html
Source: English www.audioholics.com/blu-ray-and-dvd...xicon-outside-1

But the interior of Blu-Ray players Oppo BDP-83 for $ 500 (we have products of this company called BBK).

Yeah, big surprise. Within the hi-end player and a budget Chinese unit were completely identical

Experts online publications are not too lazy to compare two twin unit that differ in price seven times, frequency characteristics and other parameters. Of course, no difference in sound quality was not found.
Source ammo1.livejournal.com/505243.html
Source: English www.audioholics.com/blu-ray-and-dvd...xicon-outside-1