Only that! I sit at the computer, read the PL, not bothering anyone, and do not thump. Home alone. Fourth floor. The balcony door open. And suddenly a sound as if the neighbors above the floor sledgehammer hit me! Then the rustle of some sort throughout the apartment! Cat sleeping peacefully, but after this ran up to me and rolled his eyes! Went to check on bent - all right ... at first glance.
8 photos.
But that's what total spotted
Crack balcony!
more vnaruzhi
I think that rustled something ??? and this wallpaper in the corners on the opposite wall from the balcony of the house so stretched at the corners!
in the kitchen a similar story
apron in the kitchen broke ...
8 photos.
But that's what total spotted
Crack balcony!



more vnaruzhi


I think that rustled something ??? and this wallpaper in the corners on the opposite wall from the balcony of the house so stretched at the corners!

in the kitchen a similar story

apron in the kitchen broke ...