Conchita Wurst from Austria won the Eurovision Song Contest 2014

Copenhagen ended with the final of the international song contest Eurovision 2014.
The victory in the competition went to the representative of Austria transvestite diva Conchita Wurst with the composition Rise Like a Phoenix.

Won the Grand Prix Eurovision 2014 - crystal microphone - Conchita said that dedicates his victory to all those who have the strength to fight, no matter what, and not afraid to always be yourself soboy.

Conchita Wurst - scenic image of the Austrian pop singer Tom Neuwirth.
The idea of a bearded woman came to him due to the fact that as a teenager he faced discrimination and harassment. Image Conchita Wurst became statement in support of tolerance and acceptance. Noyvert Tom said he wanted to a new generation felt that to be yourself is good to have been for the people it does not matter how a person looks or where he came from, but the main thing - what kind of person, that people have learned to look at and appreciate, what is hidden "behind the facade» .

Second place went to blows from the Netherlands The Common Linnets with the song Calm After The Storm. The third position was Sweden, which was represented by Sanna Nielsen with the song Undo.

Ukrainka Maria Yaremchuk, which opened the concert program of the 59th Eurovision Song Contest, won the contest 6 mesto.

The duo from Russia - sister Anastasia and Maria Tolmachevy occupied the seventh line of "Eurovision" with a score of 89 points. Bookies predict Russia's performer place only at the beginning of the second ten.

Source: korrespondent.net/showbiz/3361175-boroda-eto-chest-travesty-dyva-konchyta-vurst-yz-avstryy-pobedyla-na-evrovydenyy-2014