Conchita Wurst will be leading the "Eurovision 2015"

The names of the leading "Eurovision 2015" .Konchita Wurst will be responsible for the so-called "green room" during the festive show, which will take place in Vienna on 23 May. The duties of the singer will communicate with participants in 2015. "Conchita won the competition thanks to his personality, voice and songs. It was not the first step, but one of the most worthy for Austria in the representation of countries in the world and Europe, "- says Catherine Zechner responsible for broadcasting" Eurovision ».

Note that Conchita was the winner of last year's music competitions, performing the song «Rise Like a Phoenix" .Vystuplenie Wurst caused a major stir in the world despite the fact that many considered it a victory over stereotypes, the other part of the audience once again named the "Eurovision" a bunch of freaks.
Source: baku.ws/