"Cake, medal and diploma"

Such a naive response I received from one of the heroes of the material to the question: "What gives you the sport?" Guys can understand ...
27 photos via Sergei Mukhammedov

All of them - students of psycho-neurological boarding №11, places that fall after the children's homes, young people come of age.

Eight years ago Judo Federation has decided to help the children's home for mentally retarded children.

They took juices, sweets, and gave gifts to communicate with children on holidays as do many organizations.

"But very soon it became clear that such assistance is not enough - all children with complicated diagnoses - Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism. Named as the most vulnerable members of society need social adaptation »

An idea to take them with you to class judo. Though many sports and adapted for disabled people, but never before did not come out on the mat, children with cerebral palsy or mental development features.

Organizers of the project are faced with the need to develop new training methods. This helped them to specialists of the department of rehabilitation and sports medicine SMU, which amounted to a program of studies with people with disabilities.

Thus was born the project "Dr. judo", created by Dmitry Kuznetsov, honored coach of Russia, master of sports (5th dan) and vice president of Judo Federation in Moscow.

Training a little reminiscent of judo itself. This general physical training, relay races, outdoor games, exercises and simple self-defense skills.

"But from the very first sessions, it became clear that it is even more than social adaptation»

The Group is specially integrated students with a variety of pathologies.

From heavy enough children with serious communication problems, and ending almost healthy, having only minimal motor or behavioral disorders.

Such a combination is beneficial to both that and another, and has long been used in the inclusive education


According to the program, "Dr. Judo" involved even children with cerebral palsy. For them it is very important to leave the four walls, do not be afraid to fall, learn to communicate and get to know the world.


It is communication Dmitry Kuznetsov said the most important in the project. Students call, meet with the coach, go to the movies together. The carpet then went by the wayside, he is here already as an idea, as an opportunity to combine them.

"I know a lot: who is going to marry, who need some gifts for his birthday, who have difficulty in rooms»




Now classes on the program are just a few of the Moscow center of judo.


There were even two new directions, "Dr. Judo": Judo Judo for the deaf and for the blind and visually impaired


But the main principle remains the same - the lessons are free of charge to the whole world.

The site of the charity program "Doctor Judo»
