A tourist in New York, took Richard Gere for the homeless.

The story involving Hollywood actor occurred on Tuesday. As told myself a tourist, she was walking near the Central Station in New York with her husband and 15-year-old son when she saw delves into a garbage man with a mind like a homeless. Touched by the sight, she walked up to him and offered a pizza, the rest after visiting an Italian restaurant Little Italy.

"He asked," What's in the bag? "I tried to answer him in English, but it turned out that half of the sentence I said in French. I said, "Excuse me, but the pizza is cold." He replied: "Thank you, God bless you," - said Gombo.

The French did not know with whom met on the street in New York, until two days later an employee at the Salisbury Hotel, which stopped the family, showed her a picture in the New York Post, where it was displayed next to Gere.

"It was just magical. This story - just crazy. Simply inconceivable that this could happen & quot ;, - she said publication, adding that Gere finds attractive man, despite his age (actor '64 - ed).
In the end it turned out that the French with his family accidentally wandered onto the set of the film "From time immemorial» («Time Out of Mind»), in which Gere plays a major role.

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