This book should be read every 5 years

This book should be read every 5 years. The first time - in childhood. Oh, how you wonder how this book will change with each reading your ...
"Love - this does not mean looking at each other, to love - then look together in the same direction.»
"When you give yourself to tame, then happens to cry.»
"If you tame me, we need each other. To me, you will become the only worldwide. And for you I'll be the only one in the whole world "- said the fox Little Prince.
"People get into fast trains, but they already do not understand what to look for - said the little prince. - So they do not know the rest, and throw it to one side or the other ... "
Spring. Want the forest. Find lair and wake the bear.
Jabuticaba - tree with fruits that grow from the trunk