What price goes maroon beret Special Forces?
Green Beret - the dream of any fighter of special forces of internal troops. Years of training, hard test "combat capability" and endurance. Maroon beret get a force of only a few. For the rest, it will remain a pipe dream. What price goes maroon beret Special Forces? Look in the continuation of the post!
Many fighters are preparing for tests for several years - are catching up on the bar, in your spare time wind circles around the stadium. Get maroon in spetsnaz - more abruptly than "later promoted" to the honors at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University. Total, told us in the press service of the Interior troops, the tournament involved 124 people.
In the first phase the commandos passed standards for physical fitness, demonstrate self-defense techniques and acrobatics. Today, in the training center of the Department of the Interior Ministry in the village Gorani passed the second stage. Here the most complex - obstacle course, and then the combined march with full kit is 12 kilometers long and fiery assault band. Passed "mousetrap" - hence, overcome themselves.
Those who survived these trials, showed their skills in the shooting of the three types of weapons - machine guns and machine guns. Next most persistent expects the 12-minute "group" sparring. Soak - take yours.

Many fighters are preparing for tests for several years - are catching up on the bar, in your spare time wind circles around the stadium. Get maroon in spetsnaz - more abruptly than "later promoted" to the honors at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University. Total, told us in the press service of the Interior troops, the tournament involved 124 people.
In the first phase the commandos passed standards for physical fitness, demonstrate self-defense techniques and acrobatics. Today, in the training center of the Department of the Interior Ministry in the village Gorani passed the second stage. Here the most complex - obstacle course, and then the combined march with full kit is 12 kilometers long and fiery assault band. Passed "mousetrap" - hence, overcome themselves.
Those who survived these trials, showed their skills in the shooting of the three types of weapons - machine guns and machine guns. Next most persistent expects the 12-minute "group" sparring. Soak - take yours.
