Belarussian riot police and maroon beret
Green Beret - shaped headdress parts and special purpose units of internal troops in a number of states in the former Soviet Union - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, as previously - USSR Interior Ministry troops. It is a matter of pride and a sign of exceptional valor commando.
The right to wear maroon beret soldiers have (w / f.) Special forces (Spetsnaz) have sufficient technical, physical and moral character, have successfully passed qualification tests. In addition, the maroon beret can be awarded for courage and bravery shown during the performance of military duty in combat and special operations as well as for special merits in the development of units and special units.
13 photos from here
1. Belarus special forces soldier is balancing on a tube in the event of inspection readiness near the village Volovshchina.
The purpose of testing the maroon beret - Identify military personnel with the highest individual training for action to neutralize the gunmen, hostage rescue and other tasks in critical situations and emergencies, as well as an incentive for the education of high moral character troops.
The preliminary stage of the test is the final test for the period of training under the program of special forces. The total score for the test shall be no lower than "good", but for a special firing, special physical and tactical training of internal troops - "excellent." Testing involves - running 3000 meters; pulling (according to NFP-87); Cooper Test (not to be confused with the 12 min. run) - 4 × 10 (push-ups, squatting stress-emphasis lying, exercise on the abdominal muscles, jumping out of the squatting position) is held in sevenfold repetition. Testing is carried out for 1-2 days prior to the qualification tests.
Basic tests are carried out in one day and include a march of at least 10 km, and then overcoming obstacles CPR (specific obstacle) in extreme conditions, test preparation for the assault of tall buildings, acrobatics and hand to hand combat.
4. Check mastery of unarmed combat. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
In the presence of 3 comments soldier removed from further testing. In addition, the doctor's decision on the tests - the most important thing.
5. Sparring while checking mastery of martial arts Interior Ministry special forces of Belarus. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
Pass the test to all participants impossible. 2 and 3 test comes only 20-30% of all involved. The test will be varied and complicated, last as long as that number is reached, the 12-kilometer cross can grow into 15-kilometer and so on.
6. The employee must balance on the tube, despite the fact that the officer fired a machine gun at his feet. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
After performing acrobatic elements subjects show a set of special exercises. 3 complex-hand combat and weapons 1.
Traditions of the Interior troops in most post-Soviet states have not only maintained its high status, but also developed into a cult. Presentation maroon beret on the basis of passing qualification tests takes the best fighters in the special units of Interior Ministry troops of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine
In different countries, testing the right to wear maroon beret held in accordance with local conditions and traditions. Procedure may vary, but the meaning is the same for all the tests - the fighter has to pass a series of physical and psychological stress on the brink of possible human forces. Common to all countries is a march with full kit on long distance shooting from regular weapons, unarmed combat.
Presentation maroon beret is made at the military part of the overall building (participants exam testing) in a solemn ceremony.
Since then, the military has the right to wear maroon beret with a casual and dress uniforms. In the field of military ticket "Special Notes" is usually an appropriate entry and the official seal of the sealed. Later issued a certificate with an identification number, confirming the right to wear maroon beret.
For actions discrediting the title in the / f. Spetsnaz units, a soldier may be deprived of the right to wear maroon beret.
Green Beret does not give its holder any privileges over other military personnel (or a raise or promotion, or any other special treatment).
As would take audio been worn, it is not replaced by a new one - "slope" is to take (and shape) as possible was faded. No one except the owner beret else "krapovika", even through negligence can not touch the maroon beret. This offense is punished severely.
The right to wear maroon beret soldiers have (w / f.) Special forces (Spetsnaz) have sufficient technical, physical and moral character, have successfully passed qualification tests. In addition, the maroon beret can be awarded for courage and bravery shown during the performance of military duty in combat and special operations as well as for special merits in the development of units and special units.
13 photos from here
1. Belarus special forces soldier is balancing on a tube in the event of inspection readiness near the village Volovshchina.
The purpose of testing the maroon beret - Identify military personnel with the highest individual training for action to neutralize the gunmen, hostage rescue and other tasks in critical situations and emergencies, as well as an incentive for the education of high moral character troops.

The preliminary stage of the test is the final test for the period of training under the program of special forces. The total score for the test shall be no lower than "good", but for a special firing, special physical and tactical training of internal troops - "excellent." Testing involves - running 3000 meters; pulling (according to NFP-87); Cooper Test (not to be confused with the 12 min. run) - 4 × 10 (push-ups, squatting stress-emphasis lying, exercise on the abdominal muscles, jumping out of the squatting position) is held in sevenfold repetition. Testing is carried out for 1-2 days prior to the qualification tests.

Basic tests are carried out in one day and include a march of at least 10 km, and then overcoming obstacles CPR (specific obstacle) in extreme conditions, test preparation for the assault of tall buildings, acrobatics and hand to hand combat.

4. Check mastery of unarmed combat. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
In the presence of 3 comments soldier removed from further testing. In addition, the doctor's decision on the tests - the most important thing.

5. Sparring while checking mastery of martial arts Interior Ministry special forces of Belarus. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
Pass the test to all participants impossible. 2 and 3 test comes only 20-30% of all involved. The test will be varied and complicated, last as long as that number is reached, the 12-kilometer cross can grow into 15-kilometer and so on.

6. The employee must balance on the tube, despite the fact that the officer fired a machine gun at his feet. (REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko)
After performing acrobatic elements subjects show a set of special exercises. 3 complex-hand combat and weapons 1.

Traditions of the Interior troops in most post-Soviet states have not only maintained its high status, but also developed into a cult. Presentation maroon beret on the basis of passing qualification tests takes the best fighters in the special units of Interior Ministry troops of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine

In different countries, testing the right to wear maroon beret held in accordance with local conditions and traditions. Procedure may vary, but the meaning is the same for all the tests - the fighter has to pass a series of physical and psychological stress on the brink of possible human forces. Common to all countries is a march with full kit on long distance shooting from regular weapons, unarmed combat.

Presentation maroon beret is made at the military part of the overall building (participants exam testing) in a solemn ceremony.

Since then, the military has the right to wear maroon beret with a casual and dress uniforms. In the field of military ticket "Special Notes" is usually an appropriate entry and the official seal of the sealed. Later issued a certificate with an identification number, confirming the right to wear maroon beret.

For actions discrediting the title in the / f. Spetsnaz units, a soldier may be deprived of the right to wear maroon beret.

Green Beret does not give its holder any privileges over other military personnel (or a raise or promotion, or any other special treatment).

As would take audio been worn, it is not replaced by a new one - "slope" is to take (and shape) as possible was faded. No one except the owner beret else "krapovika", even through negligence can not touch the maroon beret. This offense is punished severely.
