An ardent supporter of recycling and graduate British sculptor Ptolemy Elrington (Ptolemy Elrington) creates his masterpieces of hubcaps and tires, old trucks from the supermarket, telephones and wire. All this good artist gets from the bottom of ponds, landfills scrap collected on roadsides or accepts a gift of friends and fans of his extraordinary creativity.
The first sculpture Elrington was making as gifts for his family. Then sounded requests from friends, followed orders fell from the owners of bars and restaurants, hotels and shops, and, of course, from the auto.
Hobby turned into a profitable business, and now Ptolemy happily working on the creation of unusual animals and birds, reptiles and insects - but the passion sculptor remain predatory fish.
Ptolemy sure that he was able to realize his dream home: it does not pants sit in stuffy offices, and is committed to what he likes in his own garage or directly on the lawn near the house.

The first sculpture Elrington was making as gifts for his family. Then sounded requests from friends, followed orders fell from the owners of bars and restaurants, hotels and shops, and, of course, from the auto.

Hobby turned into a profitable business, and now Ptolemy happily working on the creation of unusual animals and birds, reptiles and insects - but the passion sculptor remain predatory fish.

Ptolemy sure that he was able to realize his dream home: it does not pants sit in stuffy offices, and is committed to what he likes in his own garage or directly on the lawn near the house.
