Useful Zhirinovsky
Outrageous act of the LDPR leader, a pregnant journalist insulted before Friday's plenary session of the State Duma, the public rallied in a direction away the deputy indignation. But for her, the public, a number of issues.
In the midst of another scandal she was not the best of shocking Liberal Democrat leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Surrounded by his "falcons", deputy heaped insults pregnant journalist Dmitry Kiselev headed MIA, "Russia Today", passing all the honor of women journalists as such. However, you already have all seen in the retelling disgusting antics Zhirinovsky's no need.
Public reaction was not long to wait, and was quite unambiguous: Zhirinovsky clearly crossed the line of what is permitted. With criticism of the people's choice made by human rights defenders, community leaders and fellow members.
State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin apologized to reporters for Zhirinovsky entered into a rage, instructing the Duma Commission on Ethics to review the act LDPR leader. Guide MIA "Russia today" requires a Zhirinovsky is not only a public apology, and asked deputies to deprive him of the words of the meetings of the State Duma for a month. The wife of the author of these lines, located "in the position of" looking video once again fallen into amok Zhirinovsky, crying: "It can not be pregnant - she repeated through tears. - It has nothing to do with humanity ».
The public started, demonstrating unprecedented solidarity in a long time. It is certainly useful to society: Zhirinovsky, with all its disgusting act, had public service, consolidate it.
But do not forget that we are talking about Zhirinovsky: the person from whom it is safe to expect such antics, the person you are unlikely to invite to a relaxing dinner with close friends. The question arises: why is this same public is not so started, when, for example, the editor in chief Pavel Gusev called MK women politicians as "political prostitutes"? Or when the same Gusev prostitution spread directly on the pages of your publication?
Why do members of the media, merged in ecstasy against Zhirinovsky, do not pay virtually no attention to finally lost touch with reality "socialite" Bozhenov Rynska? Maybe to her statements about "chock slow-witted" - employees of the cafe "Bread & Co" should be treated with more tolerance? Or a genuine misunderstanding glamorous columnist, what is so blasphemous poll was controversial TV channel "Rain", should temper the social tolerance?
So heinous act Zhirinovsky in a sense proved very useful to society, and the journalistic community, regularly demonstrated a policy of double standards. He once again showed how we, in the best tradition of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, the highly selective in their condemnation. ridus.ru

In the midst of another scandal she was not the best of shocking Liberal Democrat leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Surrounded by his "falcons", deputy heaped insults pregnant journalist Dmitry Kiselev headed MIA, "Russia Today", passing all the honor of women journalists as such. However, you already have all seen in the retelling disgusting antics Zhirinovsky's no need.
Public reaction was not long to wait, and was quite unambiguous: Zhirinovsky clearly crossed the line of what is permitted. With criticism of the people's choice made by human rights defenders, community leaders and fellow members.
State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin apologized to reporters for Zhirinovsky entered into a rage, instructing the Duma Commission on Ethics to review the act LDPR leader. Guide MIA "Russia today" requires a Zhirinovsky is not only a public apology, and asked deputies to deprive him of the words of the meetings of the State Duma for a month. The wife of the author of these lines, located "in the position of" looking video once again fallen into amok Zhirinovsky, crying: "It can not be pregnant - she repeated through tears. - It has nothing to do with humanity ».
The public started, demonstrating unprecedented solidarity in a long time. It is certainly useful to society: Zhirinovsky, with all its disgusting act, had public service, consolidate it.
But do not forget that we are talking about Zhirinovsky: the person from whom it is safe to expect such antics, the person you are unlikely to invite to a relaxing dinner with close friends. The question arises: why is this same public is not so started, when, for example, the editor in chief Pavel Gusev called MK women politicians as "political prostitutes"? Or when the same Gusev prostitution spread directly on the pages of your publication?
Why do members of the media, merged in ecstasy against Zhirinovsky, do not pay virtually no attention to finally lost touch with reality "socialite" Bozhenov Rynska? Maybe to her statements about "chock slow-witted" - employees of the cafe "Bread & Co" should be treated with more tolerance? Or a genuine misunderstanding glamorous columnist, what is so blasphemous poll was controversial TV channel "Rain", should temper the social tolerance?
So heinous act Zhirinovsky in a sense proved very useful to society, and the journalistic community, regularly demonstrated a policy of double standards. He once again showed how we, in the best tradition of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, the highly selective in their condemnation. ridus.ru