Bloody Lake: natural phenomenon (Japan)
In a world of so many beautiful and mysterious places, and whether they cause delight and admiration, or, on the contrary, a feeling of hostility and fear, people, because of their curiosity will be attracted to him, wanting to get to know.
The list of extraordinary natural attractions can be found a mysterious body of water, located in the Japanese city of Beppu. The water in it, especially in bad weather becomes a mystical bright red color, which, naturally, was the cause of the mass of legends around it. Called this hell, the locals talk about resting in the waters of this source souls of sinners.
Bordered by lush vegetation shore of the pond, which together with the water, reminiscent of the color of blood, and the rising steam, creating extraordinary landscapes, admired by some and others do not call it differently, as a terrible picture.
Bloody Pond apart is not entirely priglyadnogo appearance is another feature makes people tend to believe that here was not without the higher powers, because the water temperature can rise in the water up to eighty degrees, so around the pond there is a small fence, the construction of which It aims to protect the unwary tourists.
Mystic curtain failed to remove the scientists who unraveled the mystery Chinoike Jigoku. They found that the cause of the red iron oxide is a reservoir which reserves at this point are sufficiently large.
As for the heat, here take a direct part magma heating up to near the boiling point of water coming in large numbers to the cave because the active life of geysers that are in an underwater cave.
Almost boiling red water rises from the depths of the earth and into the lake, and as such the process is repeated approximately every forty minutes, the impression that the body of water to boil. Of course, look at this miracle of nature sought by many, so the lack of tourists who want to witness such a frightening spectacle in these places never felt.
The list of extraordinary natural attractions can be found a mysterious body of water, located in the Japanese city of Beppu. The water in it, especially in bad weather becomes a mystical bright red color, which, naturally, was the cause of the mass of legends around it. Called this hell, the locals talk about resting in the waters of this source souls of sinners.
Bordered by lush vegetation shore of the pond, which together with the water, reminiscent of the color of blood, and the rising steam, creating extraordinary landscapes, admired by some and others do not call it differently, as a terrible picture.
Bloody Pond apart is not entirely priglyadnogo appearance is another feature makes people tend to believe that here was not without the higher powers, because the water temperature can rise in the water up to eighty degrees, so around the pond there is a small fence, the construction of which It aims to protect the unwary tourists.
Mystic curtain failed to remove the scientists who unraveled the mystery Chinoike Jigoku. They found that the cause of the red iron oxide is a reservoir which reserves at this point are sufficiently large.
As for the heat, here take a direct part magma heating up to near the boiling point of water coming in large numbers to the cave because the active life of geysers that are in an underwater cave.
Almost boiling red water rises from the depths of the earth and into the lake, and as such the process is repeated approximately every forty minutes, the impression that the body of water to boil. Of course, look at this miracle of nature sought by many, so the lack of tourists who want to witness such a frightening spectacle in these places never felt.