Zverokoltsa from Japan
Japanese designer and self-taught artist Jiro Miura (Jiro Miura), has developed an impressive series of rings depicting various animals. The author argues that he could not even imagine how popular will.
More precisely, it became popular articles that relate to a series of «Animal Cling Rings». And the name of Jiro Miura (Jiro Miura), often, nobody even remembers. However, the technique is so recognizable that can not be confused with anything. It is noteworthy that the Japanese just initially manufactured the figurines of animals until it is struck to create a ring with animals. Author sells its products under the brand name Count Blue. Cost of products ranges from $ 15 to $ 200, which is not surprising. Perhaps custom.
More precisely, it became popular articles that relate to a series of «Animal Cling Rings». And the name of Jiro Miura (Jiro Miura), often, nobody even remembers. However, the technique is so recognizable that can not be confused with anything. It is noteworthy that the Japanese just initially manufactured the figurines of animals until it is struck to create a ring with animals. Author sells its products under the brand name Count Blue. Cost of products ranges from $ 15 to $ 200, which is not surprising. Perhaps custom.