Funny signature status ICQ, QIP
How do you know a person's character by his signature
In runet a panic because of the mysterious ICQ-number, which he added to the contact list
ICQ users were left without communications
Regik, money, two turbines
Virus stealing ICQ numbers
Book of Complaints and Adorations (Good Idea)
You can define the character for signature
Determine the nature of the signatures on
Note! How to determine a person's character by his signature?
Funny statuses Icq and Qip (10 pieces)
The attack on spammers
People who use the QIP (6 photos)
The answer from the bank
Tale of the Soviet Monolith (27 photos)
Demotivatory, the twenty-eighth of
Office of ICQ in Tel Aviv.
Victim status. Part 2.
Victim status
Victim status. Part 3.
Heartbeat determines the nature
Separate peace inside, take a look!
Black, black girl
Corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs an open letter to Putin
The story of the supercar from Peter (30 photos)
How do you know a person's character by his signature
In runet a panic because of the mysterious ICQ-number, which he added to the contact list
ICQ users were left without communications
Regik, money, two turbines
Virus stealing ICQ numbers
Book of Complaints and Adorations (Good Idea)
You can define the character for signature
Determine the nature of the signatures on
Note! How to determine a person's character by his signature?
Funny statuses Icq and Qip (10 pieces)
The attack on spammers
People who use the QIP (6 photos)
The answer from the bank
Tale of the Soviet Monolith (27 photos)
Demotivatory, the twenty-eighth of
Office of ICQ in Tel Aviv.
Victim status. Part 2.
Victim status
Victim status. Part 3.
Heartbeat determines the nature
Separate peace inside, take a look!
Black, black girl
Corruption in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs an open letter to Putin
The story of the supercar from Peter (30 photos)
Merry Piper (9 photos)
The plane landed in the Hudson River (25 photos)