Gold mining on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia (31 photos)
The island of Sulawesi or "Celebes" from the height resembles an orchid. The island is inhabited by cute and complacent Indonesians who adore bright celebration and festivals. This island is amazing variety of landscapes, mountain peaks give way to plains and plains -Tropical forests. Four Sulawesi peninsula isolated from one another by deep gorges, mountains and forests. The island is divided administratively into four provinces: Sulawesi Selatan, Tengah, Tenggara Sulawesi Utara. On the edge of the south-eastern part of the 250 km from the capital of Kendari lies Bombali district, separated from the rest of the island by small mountains. In the old days there grew a large amount of rice, and now everything is like a desert. In August 2008 Bombane were found huge deposits of gold and since then flashed "Gold Rush." Hundreds of people come here in the hope of getting rich.
Work in the mines and children. For them, it seems more of a game than work.
Suparman show today `` ulov``. On the day of the illegal miners earn 10 to 20 dollars
Family Abas engaged selskimhozyaystvom. Due to the fact that illegal workers mines postroilivverhu dam downstream the river is almost dried up and the occupation Abas okazalospod threat.
In the evening, in the camp of illegal miners is unsafe
In addition to a band of robbers in the camps of the miners of prostitution.
At the end of the working day of a miner washing in the same water in which he had recently washed gold

Work in the mines and children. For them, it seems more of a game than work.

Suparman show today `` ulov``. On the day of the illegal miners earn 10 to 20 dollars

Family Abas engaged selskimhozyaystvom. Due to the fact that illegal workers mines postroilivverhu dam downstream the river is almost dried up and the occupation Abas okazalospod threat.

In the evening, in the camp of illegal miners is unsafe

In addition to a band of robbers in the camps of the miners of prostitution.

At the end of the working day of a miner washing in the same water in which he had recently washed gold