Covers for books
Writes Yaroslav Sviridov:
The book - a source covers
Usually what I write for MAXIM, I post later, but this time, we still decided to save on your site this fun place simultaneously with the output number. So, welcome. Jackets for books ashamed to read on the subway. Take a cover and wrap it something shameful (for example, Paulo Coelho). And once everyone understands: rides interesting person. The idea of a jacket, of course, not too new, but I can say without false modesty, some jokes I did so turned.
via LJ
The book - a source covers
Usually what I write for MAXIM, I post later, but this time, we still decided to save on your site this fun place simultaneously with the output number. So, welcome. Jackets for books ashamed to read on the subway. Take a cover and wrap it something shameful (for example, Paulo Coelho). And once everyone understands: rides interesting person. The idea of a jacket, of course, not too new, but I can say without false modesty, some jokes I did so turned.

via LJ