As Yanukovych Regionals framed
What is most annoying to him - by his own brothers and framed, Regionals, not klyatyh opposition.
And he did it the hero of recent weeks Kolesnichenko *, who boasted that the faction gave Yanukovych * painting "Svyatogorye" artist Peter Vasjukova.
On the Internet you can still find the classified ads of this work for 600 euros, more than six thousand hryvnia.
Article 8 of the Act prohibits the President to receive gifts more than half (!) Of the minimum wage in Ukraine.
Statt 8. Obmezhennya schodo obsession darunkіv (Donate)
2. Individuals zaznachenі in punktі 1 (President of Ukraine, Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Yogo Purshia patron that the patron, Prem'єr-mіnіstr Ukraine, Purshia vіtse-prem'єr-mіnіstr Ukraine, vіtse-prem'єr-mіnіstri Ukraine, mіnіstri ...) mozhut priymati darunki, yakі vіdpovіdayut zagalnoviznanim uyavlennyam about gostinnіst, that donate, krіm vipadkіv, peredbachenih Chastain Perche tsієї ARTICLES, Yakscho vartіst such darunkіv (Donate) not perevischuє 50 vіdsotkіv mіnіmalnoї zarobіtnoї pay, on the date of acceptance of vstanovlenoї darunka (Donate) disposable.
Mіnіmalna salary of 1 Lipnya becoming grivnі 1102.
In this rite, vartіst Presents permitted by Yanukovych, not guilty perebіlshuvati 551 hryvnia.
Picture is 11 times more expensive than the legal maximum value gift.
The Law "On Ambush zapobіgannya i protidії koruptsії" even ordered sequence of actions in such a situation:
& Quot; ... Individuals upovnovazhenі on vikonannya funktsіy powers abo mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya have razі nadhodzhennya Offers schodo nepravomіrnoї Vigoda abo darunka (Donate) nezvazhayuchi on osobistі Interests, nevіdkladno vzhivayut such zahodіv:
1) vіdmovlyayutsya od Offers;
2) for mozhlivostі іdentifіkuyut lady, yak zrobila propozitsіyu;
3) zaluchayut svіdkіv, Yakscho end of mozhlivo have to chislі h of more farmers robotі;
4) pismovo povіdomlyayut about propozitsіyu bezposerednogo kerіvnika (for nayavnostі) abo vіdpovіdny viborny chi kolegіalny body is the / abo one viznachenih s Law of Ukraine "On Ambush zapobіgannya i protidії koruptsії" spetsіalno upovnovazhenih sub'єktіv in sferі protidії koruptsії & quot ;.
Of course, Yanukovych any of these actions did not commit. So he broke the law "On the basis preventing and combating corruption" and is subject to administrative liability.
The funny thing about this story is that "Regionals" themselves voted for the adoption of this law. Perhaps even after such a "lazhi" Yanukovych will teach them to read what they pressed a button after receiving a command from Chechetov.
The situation for Yanukovych is not nice also because it continually keeps repeating that "one law for all" - and now the word should be confirmed cases.
But the opposition is completely helpless if refuse such a gift of fate and starts a campaign with the requirement to make Yanukovich at least a protocol on corruption.
And he did it the hero of recent weeks Kolesnichenko *, who boasted that the faction gave Yanukovych * painting "Svyatogorye" artist Peter Vasjukova.
On the Internet you can still find the classified ads of this work for 600 euros, more than six thousand hryvnia.
Article 8 of the Act prohibits the President to receive gifts more than half (!) Of the minimum wage in Ukraine.
Statt 8. Obmezhennya schodo obsession darunkіv (Donate)
2. Individuals zaznachenі in punktі 1 (President of Ukraine, Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Yogo Purshia patron that the patron, Prem'єr-mіnіstr Ukraine, Purshia vіtse-prem'єr-mіnіstr Ukraine, vіtse-prem'єr-mіnіstri Ukraine, mіnіstri ...) mozhut priymati darunki, yakі vіdpovіdayut zagalnoviznanim uyavlennyam about gostinnіst, that donate, krіm vipadkіv, peredbachenih Chastain Perche tsієї ARTICLES, Yakscho vartіst such darunkіv (Donate) not perevischuє 50 vіdsotkіv mіnіmalnoї zarobіtnoї pay, on the date of acceptance of vstanovlenoї darunka (Donate) disposable.
Mіnіmalna salary of 1 Lipnya becoming grivnі 1102.
In this rite, vartіst Presents permitted by Yanukovych, not guilty perebіlshuvati 551 hryvnia.
Picture is 11 times more expensive than the legal maximum value gift.
The Law "On Ambush zapobіgannya i protidії koruptsії" even ordered sequence of actions in such a situation:
& Quot; ... Individuals upovnovazhenі on vikonannya funktsіy powers abo mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya have razі nadhodzhennya Offers schodo nepravomіrnoї Vigoda abo darunka (Donate) nezvazhayuchi on osobistі Interests, nevіdkladno vzhivayut such zahodіv:
1) vіdmovlyayutsya od Offers;
2) for mozhlivostі іdentifіkuyut lady, yak zrobila propozitsіyu;
3) zaluchayut svіdkіv, Yakscho end of mozhlivo have to chislі h of more farmers robotі;
4) pismovo povіdomlyayut about propozitsіyu bezposerednogo kerіvnika (for nayavnostі) abo vіdpovіdny viborny chi kolegіalny body is the / abo one viznachenih s Law of Ukraine "On Ambush zapobіgannya i protidії koruptsії" spetsіalno upovnovazhenih sub'єktіv in sferі protidії koruptsії & quot ;.
Of course, Yanukovych any of these actions did not commit. So he broke the law "On the basis preventing and combating corruption" and is subject to administrative liability.
The funny thing about this story is that "Regionals" themselves voted for the adoption of this law. Perhaps even after such a "lazhi" Yanukovych will teach them to read what they pressed a button after receiving a command from Chechetov.
The situation for Yanukovych is not nice also because it continually keeps repeating that "one law for all" - and now the word should be confirmed cases.
But the opposition is completely helpless if refuse such a gift of fate and starts a campaign with the requirement to make Yanukovich at least a protocol on corruption.