US national debt visually (9 pictures)
2nd August US default could happen if President Obama does not find a compromise with Congress on the debt ceiling increase. About it they say and write a lot. Some say that everything will collapse, others believe that nothing bad will happen. And we let us see what the US national debt is translated into real hundred-dollar bills.
$ 100
The most popular, most recognizable and most beloved piece of paper in the world. It is from them would be "pyramid" in this article.
10 thousand dollars.
This amount can be a nice holiday somewhere in the resort, or buy a used passenger car. The average resident of the Earth (from one egg and one breast) to spend one year out to earn this amount.
$ 1 million. It does not look too impressive, huh?
Most people on the planet will not be able to earn the same amount in his entire life. Maybe that's why "to be a Millionaire" is an accomplishment standard tradesman.
$ 100 million.
Placed on a typical pallet, so that it is convenient to be transported on a trolley. Near depicts a pack of 1 million and 10 thousand. $, For comparison.
$ 1 billion.
If you decide to rob a bank for $ 1 billion, then you definitely need a truck.
Here's what a $ 1 trillion:
Note that it is folded in two floors pallets at $ 100 million each. Football field and a Boeing 747-400 for comparison:
$ 15 trillion.
Boeing hid behind this heap, and Statue of Liberty is concerned.
This 114.5 trillion. Here they are right. This amount is not enough for the US government to carry out all of its long-term liabilities - medicine, defense, pensions, social assistance, education, and more.
This means that once we, most likely, we will see and this debt.
$ 100
The most popular, most recognizable and most beloved piece of paper in the world. It is from them would be "pyramid" in this article.
10 thousand dollars.
This amount can be a nice holiday somewhere in the resort, or buy a used passenger car. The average resident of the Earth (from one egg and one breast) to spend one year out to earn this amount.
$ 1 million. It does not look too impressive, huh?
Most people on the planet will not be able to earn the same amount in his entire life. Maybe that's why "to be a Millionaire" is an accomplishment standard tradesman.
$ 100 million.
Placed on a typical pallet, so that it is convenient to be transported on a trolley. Near depicts a pack of 1 million and 10 thousand. $, For comparison.
$ 1 billion.
If you decide to rob a bank for $ 1 billion, then you definitely need a truck.
Here's what a $ 1 trillion:
Note that it is folded in two floors pallets at $ 100 million each. Football field and a Boeing 747-400 for comparison:
$ 15 trillion.
Boeing hid behind this heap, and Statue of Liberty is concerned.
This 114.5 trillion. Here they are right. This amount is not enough for the US government to carry out all of its long-term liabilities - medicine, defense, pensions, social assistance, education, and more.
This means that once we, most likely, we will see and this debt.