What is in the sunken ships
I suggest you look further and find out interesting information about the most significant and interesting findings on the wreck.
Wreck near Bay Salkombe
Perhaps this is one of the oldest shipwrecks in the world. Merchant vessel engaged in transportation of copper and tin ingots back in 900 BC Found a load is evidence that in ancient times was developed commerce.
Belitung wreck of
Arabian vessel sank back in the year 820, and found it was a fisherman off the coast of India in 1998. On the ship was found numerous gold and silver objects Tang Dynasty, and ceramic products, made in one piece. Total treasures were counted in the amount of 80 million $.
The ship SS Central America
American steamer sunk in 1857. 153 people, mostly women and children, were able to escape, the other 400 people aboard the ship were killed. Together with them, sank about 15 tons of gold mined during the California gold rush. Lost Treasures estimated at about 100-150 million $.
Sunken Treasure Antikythera
Sunken antique Roman ship was discovered in 1901 in the Aegean Sea near the island of Antikythera. Sponge divers managed to get a bronze statue of the young men, and many other artifacts. Also found on the ship Antikythera mechanism used to calculate the motion of heavenly bodies. Cost found treasures valued at 120-160 million $.
Ships S.S. Republic
Off the coast of Georgia marine treasure was found in the amount of $ 120-180 million. In the holds of the sunken steamer were discovered thousands of gold coins twenties allocated for reconstruction of the southern states after the Civil War of 1861-1865.
Ships Bom Jesus
When geologists «De Beers», an international corporation engaged in the production, sale and production of natural diamonds, off the coast of Africa have found a ship literally dug into the beach, they were very much surprised. On the ship was found an incredible amount of gold coins, guns, swords and tusks of elephants.
Ship SS Gairsoppa
British ship with tons of silver, iron and tea was attacked by a German submarine U-37. The cost of the treasure is estimated at 200 million $.
Flagship Wajda
This ship is remarkable in that it is the only one ever found the pirate ship. The vessel was discovered many valuable pirate weapons, coins and other artifacts totaling 400 million $.
Nuestra Señora de Atocha
Spanish galleon sunk off the coast of Florida as a result of the storm. The ship was transporting exceptional value, therefore among his remains were found a number of gold and silver bullion, silver coins, jewelry, copper weapons totaling 450 million $.
Nuestra Senbora de las Mercedes
Spanish frigate sank in the Strait of Gibraltar. Cargo of tons of gold and silver Spanish coins were valued at $ 500 million. This considered the most valuable treasure ever found on the seabed.
Wreck near Bay Salkombe
Perhaps this is one of the oldest shipwrecks in the world. Merchant vessel engaged in transportation of copper and tin ingots back in 900 BC Found a load is evidence that in ancient times was developed commerce.

Belitung wreck of
Arabian vessel sank back in the year 820, and found it was a fisherman off the coast of India in 1998. On the ship was found numerous gold and silver objects Tang Dynasty, and ceramic products, made in one piece. Total treasures were counted in the amount of 80 million $.

The ship SS Central America
American steamer sunk in 1857. 153 people, mostly women and children, were able to escape, the other 400 people aboard the ship were killed. Together with them, sank about 15 tons of gold mined during the California gold rush. Lost Treasures estimated at about 100-150 million $.

Sunken Treasure Antikythera
Sunken antique Roman ship was discovered in 1901 in the Aegean Sea near the island of Antikythera. Sponge divers managed to get a bronze statue of the young men, and many other artifacts. Also found on the ship Antikythera mechanism used to calculate the motion of heavenly bodies. Cost found treasures valued at 120-160 million $.

Ships S.S. Republic
Off the coast of Georgia marine treasure was found in the amount of $ 120-180 million. In the holds of the sunken steamer were discovered thousands of gold coins twenties allocated for reconstruction of the southern states after the Civil War of 1861-1865.

Ships Bom Jesus
When geologists «De Beers», an international corporation engaged in the production, sale and production of natural diamonds, off the coast of Africa have found a ship literally dug into the beach, they were very much surprised. On the ship was found an incredible amount of gold coins, guns, swords and tusks of elephants.

Ship SS Gairsoppa
British ship with tons of silver, iron and tea was attacked by a German submarine U-37. The cost of the treasure is estimated at 200 million $.

Flagship Wajda
This ship is remarkable in that it is the only one ever found the pirate ship. The vessel was discovered many valuable pirate weapons, coins and other artifacts totaling 400 million $.

Nuestra Señora de Atocha
Spanish galleon sunk off the coast of Florida as a result of the storm. The ship was transporting exceptional value, therefore among his remains were found a number of gold and silver bullion, silver coins, jewelry, copper weapons totaling 450 million $.

Nuestra Senbora de las Mercedes
Spanish frigate sank in the Strait of Gibraltar. Cargo of tons of gold and silver Spanish coins were valued at $ 500 million. This considered the most valuable treasure ever found on the seabed.