Dubina of the container
One of the meanings of English words Club - «club." And this is a very appropriate name for the Russian container complex missile Club-K. Appearing out of nowhere, Russian "club" can quickly calm down any unbelted aggressor.
Imagine an early summer morning somewhere on the coast of South America or Southeast Asia. Or Africa. The breeze from the ocean, slow waves, lush greenery, the old steamer that is as leisurely Chapa somewhere along the coast with a few shabby containers on board ... But this idyll is suddenly disturbed a group of ships unexpected aggressor who greedily and treacherously decided to attack civilians and friendly Latin American (African, etc.) the workers, all the "fault" of which was the fact that on their lands found uranium, diamonds, oil, gas or anything like that. And for the protection of the "good" they recently bought the old friends in a distant northern country a little Kalashnikovs (AK) ...... Presented? Now imagine that the enemy ships getting closer and closer. And it seems that nothing - not even the AK will not be able to save a small but proud country from the inevitable subjugation shark hirelings of world imperialism! But what is it ?! Zachuhannoy containers on the deck of an old ship suddenly opened and there a few moments start cruise missiles that rapidly sweep over the surface of the water to have believed in the impunity of the enemy fleet. And while he, stunned by the suddenness of the attack, frantically trying to intercept a missile "slap in the face" of the old vessel, another swarm of rising anti-ship missiles from the shore - one of those containers, where yesterday, according to the intelligence of the enemy, the local fishermen lived. The aggressor in a panic! His fleet is sinking fast! Admiral still trying to expand its half-dead by the flagship missile attack, to leave it away from these inhospitable shores. But this time the flagship foe gets aboard a pair of torpedoes from nowhere have, and it is not known whose submarine, and that everything ends. The enemy fleet is destroyed. Peaceful and hardworking people of small but proud southern country catches from the ocean surviving sailors and Marines of the aggressor, and glorifies the wisdom of their leaders who quietly bought from big northern brother not only Kalashnikovs, but also container complex missile Club-K.
Manufacturers' clubs "Battles like the one described above has never been. As there was no unidentified submarine that which put the final point in an attempt to attack the aggressor hypothetical hypothetical peaceful country. But the container complex missile Club-K, of course, exist. And it works roughly as described at the beginning of this material. Adjusted for the fact that being, for example, it includes anti-ship missiles X-35UE designed to defeat surface targets with a displacement of 5,000 tons. That is, the aircraft carrier "George Bush" with a displacement of 99,000 tonnes of 2, it is, of course, is unlikely to seriously hook, even if to him and break. But the frigate of the "Oliver Hazard Perry" destroy guaranteed. But about all in order. For the first time on the new Russian missile complex Club became known publicly at the beginning of this century. And this was due to the creation of OKB "Innovator" (Yekaterinburg), Russia's new tactical cruise missiles at the ROC "Caliber».
It is fair to say that the missile itself under the name "Alpha" was presented in 1993 at the Moscow Air Show and Arms Exhibition in Abu Dhabi. But the whole missiles to destroy various kinds of ships and land (onshore) facilities Club-N (basing on surface ships), Club-S (basing submarines), Club-M (self-propelled launcher on land), Club-U ( the possibility of placing small displacement ships) appeared at the end of the past - the beginning of the present century. Their development and became a container complex missile Club-K, which is a concept in the export performance of the general public was first seen in the arms salon LIMA-2009. Two years later, the Russian concern "Morinformsystem-Agat" presented at exhibitions and has a full-scale sample is now ready to produce this missile system is already standard. Combat capabilities Club-K, in fact, is the essence of the entire family of missile systems Club, developed in Russia. It is designed to engage both surface ships of different classes and types, as well as terrestrial and coastal targets.
The main element of the new missile system is a versatile entry-level module, executed in the form of a standard 20 or 40-foot sea container. It contains 4 missiles. For missiles 3M-54KE, 54KE1-3M, 3M-14KE provided vertical launch missile launcher for missiles X-35UE - inclined. Entry module is completely autonomous and already is a independent fighting unit. However, a complete set of complex Club-K, in addition to containers with missiles is another of the three containers, one of which is a system of fire control, the other - the equipment command and control, communications and navigation, in the third - the power supply system, livelihood and fire. So that it can, the Russian "Container club"? Developed by "innovators" missiles 3M-54TE and 3M-54TE1 used against surface ships of all classes and types, such as singles and as part of the group in a strong electronic and fire countermeasures. The first missile firing range of up to 220 kilometers, the second - up to 300 km (all performance characteristics are given according to public sources, which are published on export versions of these missiles). 3M-54TE1 carries a high explosive charge of 400 kg, but is moving at subsonic speeds. At 3M-54TE charge twice menshe¸ but on the approach to the purpose it develops the speed, almost three times the speed of sound. The onboard control system of missiles 3M-54TE / 3M-54TE1 is based on stand-alone inertial navigation system. Prelaunch preparation, formation and start-flight mission implemented a universal control system. Guidance on the final trajectory - with the help of noise-active radar homing (ARS-54), which has a maximum range of up to 65 km.
Because in the final segment of the flight length of about 20 km stage combat missiles 3M-54TE is reduced to a height of 10 m, ARGS-54 can operate at sea up to 6 points. The missile 3M-14TE, in fact, is a analogue-3M rocket 54TE1. But it has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 450 kg, therefore, it is designed to engage the controls forces, air defense systems, airfields, military equipment and manpower in concentration areas, naval bases and other important objects of military and civilian infrastructure at a distance of up to 300 km. After start-up it flies on the route in advance mortgaged constructed taking into account the survey data of the target position and the presence of the enemy's air defense systems. The missile is capable of overcoming the development zone of enemy air defenses, which provides low flight altitude (20 m - the sea, 50-150 m - above the ground) with the terrain following and autonomous guidance in the "silence" on the main site. Correction trajectory midcourse carried out according to the subsystems of the satellite navigation and correction subsystem of the terrain. Guidance on the final trajectory - 20 km, is also carried out with the help of noise-active radar homing (ARGS-14E), hardly detectable effectively isolate small targets against the background of the underlying surface. In 2011, the exhibition IMDS-2011 was demonstrated by Russian companies and the option of Club-K missile X-35, which were designed OKB "Star" to replace the outdated "Termites" and now used successfully as part of the ship's facilities "Uran» (SS- N-25 «Switchblade») and coastal defense systems "Ball» (SSC-6 «Sennight»). Of course, the weight of its warhead - 145 kg, significantly inferior weight warhead missiles 3M-54KE, 54KE1-3M, 3M-14KE. But it was enough to sink the frigate is not only, but also some of the destroyers. In addition, the modification of the Kh-35UE now flies to a range of 260 km already, although the length of the missile in the ship's version is still less than 4 to 5 meters. Therefore, to place it in a container variant enough 20-foot container. And though the missile is still subsonic, but the new head of its homing would capture the target at a distance of 50 km already. The main advantage of asymmetric response to the new Russian missile complex Club-K - stealth and surprise. Today, all over the world every hour and every day in many different directions move billions of standard 40 and 20-foot containers. Only transport companies in China there are more than 100 million units.
And seemingly containers Club-K are no different from others. They do not even "Radiation at", so to discover the missile "stuffing" is possible only if you open a container or it will begin to work. A place that weapon can be anywhere - on a trailer on the railroad, in any freighter, just on the bank stock. Therefore, the appearance of such weapons has caused an explosion of emotion in the Western press. "Russian missile system Club-K completely change the rules of war and will lead to a massive proliferation of ballistic missiles," - said the British The Daily Telegraph. "One of the Russian companies engaged in marketing of the new combat complex with cruise missiles, are very destructive. This setting can be hidden in a shipping container that allows any merchant vessel to destroy the aircraft carrier "- the second Reuters. In fact, the idea to disguise the missiles, of course, not new. Soviet engineers successfully, for example, masked intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "scalpel" with a range of more than 10 thousand km under the guise of conventional cargo and passenger train (the famous Soviet combat rail missile systems "Good", the production of which is now being revived in Russia). In the early 80's of the last century X in the Soviet Union also conducted experiments on the basing of helicopters Ka-27 attack aircraft Yak-38 is not only ships, but also in the civil courts. At the same time, "the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology" began to work out the idea of place in a cargo container small-sized MBR "Courier", but these works are under pressure from the US were stopped in 1991 and the then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would no longer be working on the creation of small intercontinental ballistic missiles. But the followers of Soviet engineering school were still able to place missiles in a standard shipping container. And do not let that MDBs and tactical cruise missile (or rather, their in each container 4), the success of this does not become less. Moreover - in this form Russian missiles will find its buyer.
First of all - to those countries that can not, are not ready or do not want to spend a lot of money to create a host of major armed forces and adhere to a defensive strategy. Because complex Club-K - is, above all, a means not an attack and defense. To use this complex as a weapon of attack, of course, possible, but for this kind of fighting there is far cheaper and more effective means. But to repel the enemy, using the advantage of stealth and surprise - it is for the Club-K at the time. Because even superior to the forces of the enemy will think first about whether to attack him at all if he can suddenly get the ear of nowhere flown "club." "Getting to the development of missile complex Club-K, we proceeded from the understanding that not all states have the ability to contain a part of its fleet such expensive" toys "like corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers and other powerful, well-equipped missiles ships.
However, nobody has the right to deprive them of the possibility to ensure its sovereignty. At the same time a potential aggressor should really understand what can get for themselves unacceptable damage "- marked at the time of creation of this ideology missile system concern" Morinformsystem-Agathe. " Of course, Club-K does not replace completely the Navy and naval aviation. But for poor countries with long coastal strip it allows you to build an optimal and highly effective defense system that can quickly, flexibly, and most importantly - unnoticed by a potential enemy to change its configuration. And none of the world's arms manufacturers, but our gunsmiths, such an option is now defense can not offer.
Source: expert.ru

Imagine an early summer morning somewhere on the coast of South America or Southeast Asia. Or Africa. The breeze from the ocean, slow waves, lush greenery, the old steamer that is as leisurely Chapa somewhere along the coast with a few shabby containers on board ... But this idyll is suddenly disturbed a group of ships unexpected aggressor who greedily and treacherously decided to attack civilians and friendly Latin American (African, etc.) the workers, all the "fault" of which was the fact that on their lands found uranium, diamonds, oil, gas or anything like that. And for the protection of the "good" they recently bought the old friends in a distant northern country a little Kalashnikovs (AK) ...... Presented? Now imagine that the enemy ships getting closer and closer. And it seems that nothing - not even the AK will not be able to save a small but proud country from the inevitable subjugation shark hirelings of world imperialism! But what is it ?! Zachuhannoy containers on the deck of an old ship suddenly opened and there a few moments start cruise missiles that rapidly sweep over the surface of the water to have believed in the impunity of the enemy fleet. And while he, stunned by the suddenness of the attack, frantically trying to intercept a missile "slap in the face" of the old vessel, another swarm of rising anti-ship missiles from the shore - one of those containers, where yesterday, according to the intelligence of the enemy, the local fishermen lived. The aggressor in a panic! His fleet is sinking fast! Admiral still trying to expand its half-dead by the flagship missile attack, to leave it away from these inhospitable shores. But this time the flagship foe gets aboard a pair of torpedoes from nowhere have, and it is not known whose submarine, and that everything ends. The enemy fleet is destroyed. Peaceful and hardworking people of small but proud southern country catches from the ocean surviving sailors and Marines of the aggressor, and glorifies the wisdom of their leaders who quietly bought from big northern brother not only Kalashnikovs, but also container complex missile Club-K.

Manufacturers' clubs "Battles like the one described above has never been. As there was no unidentified submarine that which put the final point in an attempt to attack the aggressor hypothetical hypothetical peaceful country. But the container complex missile Club-K, of course, exist. And it works roughly as described at the beginning of this material. Adjusted for the fact that being, for example, it includes anti-ship missiles X-35UE designed to defeat surface targets with a displacement of 5,000 tons. That is, the aircraft carrier "George Bush" with a displacement of 99,000 tonnes of 2, it is, of course, is unlikely to seriously hook, even if to him and break. But the frigate of the "Oliver Hazard Perry" destroy guaranteed. But about all in order. For the first time on the new Russian missile complex Club became known publicly at the beginning of this century. And this was due to the creation of OKB "Innovator" (Yekaterinburg), Russia's new tactical cruise missiles at the ROC "Caliber».

It is fair to say that the missile itself under the name "Alpha" was presented in 1993 at the Moscow Air Show and Arms Exhibition in Abu Dhabi. But the whole missiles to destroy various kinds of ships and land (onshore) facilities Club-N (basing on surface ships), Club-S (basing submarines), Club-M (self-propelled launcher on land), Club-U ( the possibility of placing small displacement ships) appeared at the end of the past - the beginning of the present century. Their development and became a container complex missile Club-K, which is a concept in the export performance of the general public was first seen in the arms salon LIMA-2009. Two years later, the Russian concern "Morinformsystem-Agat" presented at exhibitions and has a full-scale sample is now ready to produce this missile system is already standard. Combat capabilities Club-K, in fact, is the essence of the entire family of missile systems Club, developed in Russia. It is designed to engage both surface ships of different classes and types, as well as terrestrial and coastal targets.

The main element of the new missile system is a versatile entry-level module, executed in the form of a standard 20 or 40-foot sea container. It contains 4 missiles. For missiles 3M-54KE, 54KE1-3M, 3M-14KE provided vertical launch missile launcher for missiles X-35UE - inclined. Entry module is completely autonomous and already is a independent fighting unit. However, a complete set of complex Club-K, in addition to containers with missiles is another of the three containers, one of which is a system of fire control, the other - the equipment command and control, communications and navigation, in the third - the power supply system, livelihood and fire. So that it can, the Russian "Container club"? Developed by "innovators" missiles 3M-54TE and 3M-54TE1 used against surface ships of all classes and types, such as singles and as part of the group in a strong electronic and fire countermeasures. The first missile firing range of up to 220 kilometers, the second - up to 300 km (all performance characteristics are given according to public sources, which are published on export versions of these missiles). 3M-54TE1 carries a high explosive charge of 400 kg, but is moving at subsonic speeds. At 3M-54TE charge twice menshe¸ but on the approach to the purpose it develops the speed, almost three times the speed of sound. The onboard control system of missiles 3M-54TE / 3M-54TE1 is based on stand-alone inertial navigation system. Prelaunch preparation, formation and start-flight mission implemented a universal control system. Guidance on the final trajectory - with the help of noise-active radar homing (ARS-54), which has a maximum range of up to 65 km.

Because in the final segment of the flight length of about 20 km stage combat missiles 3M-54TE is reduced to a height of 10 m, ARGS-54 can operate at sea up to 6 points. The missile 3M-14TE, in fact, is a analogue-3M rocket 54TE1. But it has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 450 kg, therefore, it is designed to engage the controls forces, air defense systems, airfields, military equipment and manpower in concentration areas, naval bases and other important objects of military and civilian infrastructure at a distance of up to 300 km. After start-up it flies on the route in advance mortgaged constructed taking into account the survey data of the target position and the presence of the enemy's air defense systems. The missile is capable of overcoming the development zone of enemy air defenses, which provides low flight altitude (20 m - the sea, 50-150 m - above the ground) with the terrain following and autonomous guidance in the "silence" on the main site. Correction trajectory midcourse carried out according to the subsystems of the satellite navigation and correction subsystem of the terrain. Guidance on the final trajectory - 20 km, is also carried out with the help of noise-active radar homing (ARGS-14E), hardly detectable effectively isolate small targets against the background of the underlying surface. In 2011, the exhibition IMDS-2011 was demonstrated by Russian companies and the option of Club-K missile X-35, which were designed OKB "Star" to replace the outdated "Termites" and now used successfully as part of the ship's facilities "Uran» (SS- N-25 «Switchblade») and coastal defense systems "Ball» (SSC-6 «Sennight»). Of course, the weight of its warhead - 145 kg, significantly inferior weight warhead missiles 3M-54KE, 54KE1-3M, 3M-14KE. But it was enough to sink the frigate is not only, but also some of the destroyers. In addition, the modification of the Kh-35UE now flies to a range of 260 km already, although the length of the missile in the ship's version is still less than 4 to 5 meters. Therefore, to place it in a container variant enough 20-foot container. And though the missile is still subsonic, but the new head of its homing would capture the target at a distance of 50 km already. The main advantage of asymmetric response to the new Russian missile complex Club-K - stealth and surprise. Today, all over the world every hour and every day in many different directions move billions of standard 40 and 20-foot containers. Only transport companies in China there are more than 100 million units.

And seemingly containers Club-K are no different from others. They do not even "Radiation at", so to discover the missile "stuffing" is possible only if you open a container or it will begin to work. A place that weapon can be anywhere - on a trailer on the railroad, in any freighter, just on the bank stock. Therefore, the appearance of such weapons has caused an explosion of emotion in the Western press. "Russian missile system Club-K completely change the rules of war and will lead to a massive proliferation of ballistic missiles," - said the British The Daily Telegraph. "One of the Russian companies engaged in marketing of the new combat complex with cruise missiles, are very destructive. This setting can be hidden in a shipping container that allows any merchant vessel to destroy the aircraft carrier "- the second Reuters. In fact, the idea to disguise the missiles, of course, not new. Soviet engineers successfully, for example, masked intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "scalpel" with a range of more than 10 thousand km under the guise of conventional cargo and passenger train (the famous Soviet combat rail missile systems "Good", the production of which is now being revived in Russia). In the early 80's of the last century X in the Soviet Union also conducted experiments on the basing of helicopters Ka-27 attack aircraft Yak-38 is not only ships, but also in the civil courts. At the same time, "the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology" began to work out the idea of place in a cargo container small-sized MBR "Courier", but these works are under pressure from the US were stopped in 1991 and the then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would no longer be working on the creation of small intercontinental ballistic missiles. But the followers of Soviet engineering school were still able to place missiles in a standard shipping container. And do not let that MDBs and tactical cruise missile (or rather, their in each container 4), the success of this does not become less. Moreover - in this form Russian missiles will find its buyer.

First of all - to those countries that can not, are not ready or do not want to spend a lot of money to create a host of major armed forces and adhere to a defensive strategy. Because complex Club-K - is, above all, a means not an attack and defense. To use this complex as a weapon of attack, of course, possible, but for this kind of fighting there is far cheaper and more effective means. But to repel the enemy, using the advantage of stealth and surprise - it is for the Club-K at the time. Because even superior to the forces of the enemy will think first about whether to attack him at all if he can suddenly get the ear of nowhere flown "club." "Getting to the development of missile complex Club-K, we proceeded from the understanding that not all states have the ability to contain a part of its fleet such expensive" toys "like corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers and other powerful, well-equipped missiles ships.
However, nobody has the right to deprive them of the possibility to ensure its sovereignty. At the same time a potential aggressor should really understand what can get for themselves unacceptable damage "- marked at the time of creation of this ideology missile system concern" Morinformsystem-Agathe. " Of course, Club-K does not replace completely the Navy and naval aviation. But for poor countries with long coastal strip it allows you to build an optimal and highly effective defense system that can quickly, flexibly, and most importantly - unnoticed by a potential enemy to change its configuration. And none of the world's arms manufacturers, but our gunsmiths, such an option is now defense can not offer.

Source: expert.ru