Small Encyclopedia patsanskogo weapons
Taken from bydla.net. Author: Prokhorov.
In our difficult life there are moments when the powerful hook - is not an argument. When you're alone, and four of them when your family or someone you know in great danger and the decision remains second. In general, the classifications of the "three side, your not." Then it can come to the aid of the object, which turned into a pocket or hand. Let's estimate what could be in the hand of the boy in a difficult moment. Dvina-order!
Stone and club - the very first samples patsanskogo weapons. Develop and implement their boys from the Paleolithic, there the in the areas known as homo habilis - Homo habilis (it was about 2, 500, 000 years ago).
They used stones and clubs when developing tusks of mammoths, the arrows with boys from other regions, well, so someone in a jug of his run for fun.
It is simple, effective and affordable weapon, deadly in skilled (or unskilled) hands.
Pros: reliable, time-tested.
Cons: uncomfortable to wear, immoral appearance.
To start Walk for clubs, stones - it is generally separate issue.
From that moment there was the first club, and our great-great-great-boys check out the sharpness of her, was conducted constantly working to improve it. Dubina were made of hardwood saplings (possibly after someone went to the Bear drin rotten and returned in the form of minced meat). The root of the tree on the left end of the shock clubs - he tightened stem, and twigs sticking out of it, looked a trump, besides damage inflicted.
It is worth noting that in those days the boys have imposed different movements, and often they were associated with clubs, as evidenced by the cave paintings:
Cave boys began to burden even more and strengthen the impact of the clubs - so there was a stone ax, courtesy opens millions of cranial boxes.
Since modern normal kid ought not carry a hatchet (and even more so - a stone), to dwell on it will not.
In general, before the advent of advanced technologies patsanski, a club was modified rather sluggishly - probably due to the fact that in its simplest form could easily demolish Bosko and punching the plywood. In ancient times, the standard sample working with clubs such authorities as the Hercules and Hercules Tirinfsky Fivsky. Here they are:
Also known ancient Russian denied Vasily Buslaevich (aka Vasek Novgorod). Known was a tough-minded, and the fact that the instrument had offered to public restrictions and prohibitions. Rumor has it this way: "And I do not believe any dream, any sneeze, and I believe in his scarlet elm." Then, as time is referred to a modified club - chervlёny elm. It is a thick oak branch that was poured into the lead rod:
Main prodvizhki industry dubinostroeniya occurred during the Middle Ages. In those troubled times, any peasant boy from the sleeping area to carry a mace or if you do not shestopёr, at least stick, club or Bludgeon. From dogs to fight back there, or fly agaric in the forest mow. Yes, anywhere could happen zoom - you had to be ready to give rebuff. And, of course, when the case redistribution of spheres of influence, as much as the boys harvested armfuls of top-class facilities from the head.
Clubs, maces, flails - everything is clear: the heavier the shock part and the feature-rich swirls on it - the greater the damage will incur suffers. In this direction, a club with as injuries, even with imprecise hit. Last modification of this branch of development - the missile "Bulava". The principle is the same - "who did not have time to dodge - and he Zhmur».
Walk brief on samples:
Mace with a stiletto in the handle
Morgenstern, mace
More pernach
It is also noteworthy that the girl in medieval Europe was also not miss, and even went to the showdown with the guys. In the same way - to the thirteenth century duel occurred between husband and wife or between two sworn friends. And this action was arranged with a twinkle and yumorkom. His wife moved to present to her husband, or girlfriend on the general. Authorities (court) carried RESOLVED - what rules will Mahach. If the two were fighting Masha, the fight went to the first blood and instructed Mahal sticks, and with bare boobs (well, once set fire to the blood). People going to the cloud, of course.
In the case of a husband and wife duel rules might be as follows:
1. The fight to 3 touches the ground by hand or a club.
2. Fight to injury or death.
3. Fight for as long as the girlfriend did not pull the boy out of the pit or the kid does not drag her there.
What hole? - You are curious? But the fact that Europe, even in the remote Middle Ages was a country of a humane, democratic and protect women's rights - to equalize the chances in the fight, her husband was supposed ushatyvat his wife with a club, standing waist-deep in the pit. That's how it was described by some sources:
Were there any girls victory over the boys? Of course! Take on a note girls:
In Russia fights between husband and wife was not carried out, except that, preventive-razyasnitelnaya work. But babonki could easily shlestnutsya together. Bludgeon fought on until thawed:
According to some reports, the number of deaths in the women's team fights "at times the" up to 70% in patsanski - up to 40%.
Much more interesting is another, more "Pacanskaya" version of blackjack - with the included flexible element in it. This ancient Russian bludgeon (in Europe - a combat flail):
More bludgeon
Kisten was clearly marked in the novel by Alexei Tolstoy "Peter the Great". Thence Cause tramps cranked so:
"At work Ovdokim is not often, - was alone on the island, cooked porridge, washed pants, shirts. But when he came out, he tucked into the back of the sash hammered bludgeon, knew that it would be difficult. When his misery, he was like a spider, agile when night, whistle, so that the hair stood on end, rushed to the horses and beat them head bludgeon. If you were driving a noble and rich - he knew no mercy, he graduated to people. Servitude, parrots, let go, but it was bad for those who recognize his face.
In Moscow, about the pranks on the Tula road several times and knew the soldiers were sent to the lieutenant - destroy the gang. But none of them did not come back from the forest, about a soldier of misfortune knew some shifting dryabi, which wound up Ovdokim ... »
Well, of course! They are the best! Nunchaku:
At the dawn of the 90 student committed any involuntary ejaculation at the sight of this exotic and terribly brutal weapons, even if it was made of a pair of legs taburetnyh, fastened the chain from the toilet tank (such instances really hits =)
Whole areas thrown slingshot and vozdushki, these guys were making "magic wand", getting tangled in their exact name. However, those names that boys gave their products, in full compliance with the quality of production - were "unchaki" and "Chucky" and "anchaki» =)
But! Who lived in those yards - he knows that it was enough to twist to the left, to his right nunchaku - and it becomes clear that an army of ninja now would piss, check out the extent of your slope!
Weapons threatening and requires considerable proficiency. The Rams have a hard boys grew up, in most cases, except that the dope enough to peel with a flourish as ordinary stick. The consequences were often deplorable. So it is better to leave the nunchuck for entertainment on the street - it is one of the most inappropriate tools.
Carry a bludgeon or natural nunchuck - dumb, because, according to GOST 51215 - 98, is the "cold shock shatters weapons warhead which is a concentrated mass and forms razmozhzhenie razmozhzhenie and soft tissue or bone fractures." And here it is recalled that the Criminal Code should be honored.
It remains to apply the principle laid down in the kinematics of such weapons - the sum of the angular speeds and torques. (I do not understand what I said, eslicho).
In addition, after the success to come kotormu boys ages 19-20, there was a lot of high-tech materials, used to make increasingly sophisticated percussion, handy in any mess:
Hydraulic Hose:
In the Soviet Union the sample 60s-80s was a very common means of hanging zvezdyuley. Especially in rural areas, where all collective-shaft tractor was good. And there were guys in bell-bottom pants to the next village to the dance, and flitted over the club hydraulic hoses. And we do not dream rookot kosmodrooomaaa !!!
But hydraulics - too much traumatic baton, due to massive metal nuts on the ends. Anti-Semitism in our time never ceased to improve tool - there was "himichka" (dry pipe) somewhere else, such a device called "bro." The hose ends twisted bolts (12, 10 or 8) depending on the diameter of the hose and on the desired weight of the manufactured batons.
It gets pretty bouncy, long and heavy object, which can be smartly dismiss enemy infantry. Serious injuries, he did not cause, and looked like a piece of hose - nice work! But that's all the same can be added to the cold steel.
On the serious critiques Harvest "spring" - very much like a bludgeon. All the same hose stuffed doorstop with a piece of lead or soldered hefty nut.
Upon impact, the spring is stretched, making this unit highly unpredictable. Caution - fraught samozaplyuschivaniem!
The rubber hoses thrust and trimming valves - trying to make an analog Cop batons.
There was also a "spy" stick - thin roll rolled wallpaper, coat with glue and rolled back. (To be honest, I do not know how to come to the Rams with a roll of wallpaper under the arm).
Telescopic steel batons:
Good because it has a compact size and clicks briskly when unfolded. The main drawback - it is forbidden to wear without permission.
Inertial baton.
One of the most devastating. Made of steel pipe and the outer shell, usually the hose. At each end of the tube is threaded under the cap. Inside nasypaetsya small lead shot for exactly one third of the volume of the tube. Twist-cap, habitual movement stretch the hose. The tool is ready.
During the swing roll it crumbles to the hilt, making the club quick and easy. By the end of the strike fraction falls out to the end of shock batons - throw this mass increases shot multiple times. Naturally, the possession of such drin greatly increases the chance to go on a business trip to the godfathers - the application of any wear.
About a cup of salt in the towel, about a big bunch of keys on a nylon cord, about a stone in a shirt, about padlock on a string of shoe lot of talk makes no sense. Any cargo suspended on a rope / chain can be used as a weapon. This weapon is called "extinguished».
Well, here it is, a Komsomol member, an athlete and a beauty - a bit!
Crown of the evolution of the first patsanskogo weapons. Stylish, strong, weighty and extremely effective. And, most importantly, allowed to wear free. (However, kid, living in Poland, out of luck - there is need to help her, just the same for the criminal reputation of the product). It appeared somewhere in the 14th century in Russia when, during a showdown Uhar threw a stone in the other, and he rescued his baton. (More on that boom came up with a game - rounders, which then called the British "raunders" and then the Americans - "taunbollom" (city ball). Well, as the sound of the "daunbol" Rename baseball). Especially great interest among our population, this has caused a great game in 90 years. During the time it sold hundreds of thousands of baseball bats, two balls and one glove.
The most remarkable feature of bits - it's the feeling that you hold in your hand gently treated, but otherwise have not changed for 2, 5 million years cudgel Homa craftsmen.
And, finally. On the rocks. They come in different caliber.
Posted in [mergetime] 1353653225 [/ mergetime]
Choosing a suitable and act according to the situation, that's all =)
By all means, avoid situations that might force you to use their weapons. Not manufactured and do not carry a gun "just in case" it does not make you stronger.
Remember that good people are always eager to do without violence. Take care of yourself and loved ones!
And the next time we talk about the piercing and cutting-chopping patsanski weapons!
I finished. Thank you for your attention, you can start to comment on, add to, if there is anything interesting, or missed.

In our difficult life there are moments when the powerful hook - is not an argument. When you're alone, and four of them when your family or someone you know in great danger and the decision remains second. In general, the classifications of the "three side, your not." Then it can come to the aid of the object, which turned into a pocket or hand. Let's estimate what could be in the hand of the boy in a difficult moment. Dvina-order!
Stone and club - the very first samples patsanskogo weapons. Develop and implement their boys from the Paleolithic, there the in the areas known as homo habilis - Homo habilis (it was about 2, 500, 000 years ago).

They used stones and clubs when developing tusks of mammoths, the arrows with boys from other regions, well, so someone in a jug of his run for fun.
It is simple, effective and affordable weapon, deadly in skilled (or unskilled) hands.

Pros: reliable, time-tested.
Cons: uncomfortable to wear, immoral appearance.
To start Walk for clubs, stones - it is generally separate issue.
From that moment there was the first club, and our great-great-great-boys check out the sharpness of her, was conducted constantly working to improve it. Dubina were made of hardwood saplings (possibly after someone went to the Bear drin rotten and returned in the form of minced meat). The root of the tree on the left end of the shock clubs - he tightened stem, and twigs sticking out of it, looked a trump, besides damage inflicted.
It is worth noting that in those days the boys have imposed different movements, and often they were associated with clubs, as evidenced by the cave paintings:

Cave boys began to burden even more and strengthen the impact of the clubs - so there was a stone ax, courtesy opens millions of cranial boxes.
Since modern normal kid ought not carry a hatchet (and even more so - a stone), to dwell on it will not.
In general, before the advent of advanced technologies patsanski, a club was modified rather sluggishly - probably due to the fact that in its simplest form could easily demolish Bosko and punching the plywood. In ancient times, the standard sample working with clubs such authorities as the Hercules and Hercules Tirinfsky Fivsky. Here they are:

Also known ancient Russian denied Vasily Buslaevich (aka Vasek Novgorod). Known was a tough-minded, and the fact that the instrument had offered to public restrictions and prohibitions. Rumor has it this way: "And I do not believe any dream, any sneeze, and I believe in his scarlet elm." Then, as time is referred to a modified club - chervlёny elm. It is a thick oak branch that was poured into the lead rod:

Main prodvizhki industry dubinostroeniya occurred during the Middle Ages. In those troubled times, any peasant boy from the sleeping area to carry a mace or if you do not shestopёr, at least stick, club or Bludgeon. From dogs to fight back there, or fly agaric in the forest mow. Yes, anywhere could happen zoom - you had to be ready to give rebuff. And, of course, when the case redistribution of spheres of influence, as much as the boys harvested armfuls of top-class facilities from the head.
Clubs, maces, flails - everything is clear: the heavier the shock part and the feature-rich swirls on it - the greater the damage will incur suffers. In this direction, a club with as injuries, even with imprecise hit. Last modification of this branch of development - the missile "Bulava". The principle is the same - "who did not have time to dodge - and he Zhmur».
Walk brief on samples:


Mace with a stiletto in the handle


Morgenstern, mace

More pernach

It is also noteworthy that the girl in medieval Europe was also not miss, and even went to the showdown with the guys. In the same way - to the thirteenth century duel occurred between husband and wife or between two sworn friends. And this action was arranged with a twinkle and yumorkom. His wife moved to present to her husband, or girlfriend on the general. Authorities (court) carried RESOLVED - what rules will Mahach. If the two were fighting Masha, the fight went to the first blood and instructed Mahal sticks, and with bare boobs (well, once set fire to the blood). People going to the cloud, of course.
In the case of a husband and wife duel rules might be as follows:
1. The fight to 3 touches the ground by hand or a club.
2. Fight to injury or death.
3. Fight for as long as the girlfriend did not pull the boy out of the pit or the kid does not drag her there.
What hole? - You are curious? But the fact that Europe, even in the remote Middle Ages was a country of a humane, democratic and protect women's rights - to equalize the chances in the fight, her husband was supposed ushatyvat his wife with a club, standing waist-deep in the pit. That's how it was described by some sources:

Were there any girls victory over the boys? Of course! Take on a note girls:

In Russia fights between husband and wife was not carried out, except that, preventive-razyasnitelnaya work. But babonki could easily shlestnutsya together. Bludgeon fought on until thawed:

According to some reports, the number of deaths in the women's team fights "at times the" up to 70% in patsanski - up to 40%.
Much more interesting is another, more "Pacanskaya" version of blackjack - with the included flexible element in it. This ancient Russian bludgeon (in Europe - a combat flail):

More bludgeon

Kisten was clearly marked in the novel by Alexei Tolstoy "Peter the Great". Thence Cause tramps cranked so:
"At work Ovdokim is not often, - was alone on the island, cooked porridge, washed pants, shirts. But when he came out, he tucked into the back of the sash hammered bludgeon, knew that it would be difficult. When his misery, he was like a spider, agile when night, whistle, so that the hair stood on end, rushed to the horses and beat them head bludgeon. If you were driving a noble and rich - he knew no mercy, he graduated to people. Servitude, parrots, let go, but it was bad for those who recognize his face.
In Moscow, about the pranks on the Tula road several times and knew the soldiers were sent to the lieutenant - destroy the gang. But none of them did not come back from the forest, about a soldier of misfortune knew some shifting dryabi, which wound up Ovdokim ... »
Well, of course! They are the best! Nunchaku:

At the dawn of the 90 student committed any involuntary ejaculation at the sight of this exotic and terribly brutal weapons, even if it was made of a pair of legs taburetnyh, fastened the chain from the toilet tank (such instances really hits =)
Whole areas thrown slingshot and vozdushki, these guys were making "magic wand", getting tangled in their exact name. However, those names that boys gave their products, in full compliance with the quality of production - were "unchaki" and "Chucky" and "anchaki» =)
But! Who lived in those yards - he knows that it was enough to twist to the left, to his right nunchaku - and it becomes clear that an army of ninja now would piss, check out the extent of your slope!
Weapons threatening and requires considerable proficiency. The Rams have a hard boys grew up, in most cases, except that the dope enough to peel with a flourish as ordinary stick. The consequences were often deplorable. So it is better to leave the nunchuck for entertainment on the street - it is one of the most inappropriate tools.
Carry a bludgeon or natural nunchuck - dumb, because, according to GOST 51215 - 98, is the "cold shock shatters weapons warhead which is a concentrated mass and forms razmozhzhenie razmozhzhenie and soft tissue or bone fractures." And here it is recalled that the Criminal Code should be honored.
It remains to apply the principle laid down in the kinematics of such weapons - the sum of the angular speeds and torques. (I do not understand what I said, eslicho).
In addition, after the success to come kotormu boys ages 19-20, there was a lot of high-tech materials, used to make increasingly sophisticated percussion, handy in any mess:
Hydraulic Hose:

In the Soviet Union the sample 60s-80s was a very common means of hanging zvezdyuley. Especially in rural areas, where all collective-shaft tractor was good. And there were guys in bell-bottom pants to the next village to the dance, and flitted over the club hydraulic hoses. And we do not dream rookot kosmodrooomaaa !!!
But hydraulics - too much traumatic baton, due to massive metal nuts on the ends. Anti-Semitism in our time never ceased to improve tool - there was "himichka" (dry pipe) somewhere else, such a device called "bro." The hose ends twisted bolts (12, 10 or 8) depending on the diameter of the hose and on the desired weight of the manufactured batons.

It gets pretty bouncy, long and heavy object, which can be smartly dismiss enemy infantry. Serious injuries, he did not cause, and looked like a piece of hose - nice work! But that's all the same can be added to the cold steel.
On the serious critiques Harvest "spring" - very much like a bludgeon. All the same hose stuffed doorstop with a piece of lead or soldered hefty nut.

Upon impact, the spring is stretched, making this unit highly unpredictable. Caution - fraught samozaplyuschivaniem!
The rubber hoses thrust and trimming valves - trying to make an analog Cop batons.
There was also a "spy" stick - thin roll rolled wallpaper, coat with glue and rolled back. (To be honest, I do not know how to come to the Rams with a roll of wallpaper under the arm).
Telescopic steel batons:

Good because it has a compact size and clicks briskly when unfolded. The main drawback - it is forbidden to wear without permission.
Inertial baton.
One of the most devastating. Made of steel pipe and the outer shell, usually the hose. At each end of the tube is threaded under the cap. Inside nasypaetsya small lead shot for exactly one third of the volume of the tube. Twist-cap, habitual movement stretch the hose. The tool is ready.
During the swing roll it crumbles to the hilt, making the club quick and easy. By the end of the strike fraction falls out to the end of shock batons - throw this mass increases shot multiple times. Naturally, the possession of such drin greatly increases the chance to go on a business trip to the godfathers - the application of any wear.
About a cup of salt in the towel, about a big bunch of keys on a nylon cord, about a stone in a shirt, about padlock on a string of shoe lot of talk makes no sense. Any cargo suspended on a rope / chain can be used as a weapon. This weapon is called "extinguished».
Well, here it is, a Komsomol member, an athlete and a beauty - a bit!

Crown of the evolution of the first patsanskogo weapons. Stylish, strong, weighty and extremely effective. And, most importantly, allowed to wear free. (However, kid, living in Poland, out of luck - there is need to help her, just the same for the criminal reputation of the product). It appeared somewhere in the 14th century in Russia when, during a showdown Uhar threw a stone in the other, and he rescued his baton. (More on that boom came up with a game - rounders, which then called the British "raunders" and then the Americans - "taunbollom" (city ball). Well, as the sound of the "daunbol" Rename baseball). Especially great interest among our population, this has caused a great game in 90 years. During the time it sold hundreds of thousands of baseball bats, two balls and one glove.
The most remarkable feature of bits - it's the feeling that you hold in your hand gently treated, but otherwise have not changed for 2, 5 million years cudgel Homa craftsmen.
And, finally. On the rocks. They come in different caliber.
Posted in [mergetime] 1353653225 [/ mergetime]
Choosing a suitable and act according to the situation, that's all =)
By all means, avoid situations that might force you to use their weapons. Not manufactured and do not carry a gun "just in case" it does not make you stronger.
Remember that good people are always eager to do without violence. Take care of yourself and loved ones!
And the next time we talk about the piercing and cutting-chopping patsanski weapons!
I finished. Thank you for your attention, you can start to comment on, add to, if there is anything interesting, or missed.
