Chinese high-speed trains
If police do not figure in a baggy uniform jacket, one would think that this is a fantastic frame of the movie.
However, this is not fiction, but a harsh reality - China opened another line of high-speed railway. At this time - between Wuhan and Guangzhou. It was built in just four years and now it is the longest high-speed railway line in the world - 1068 km.
Trains on it to reach speeds of 350 km / h. So from Wuhan to Guangzhou, you can not get there in ten hours, as usual, and in just 2 hours 58 minutes. The fare - from 70 to 114 dollars one way.
By 2012, China will be in operation approximately 13 000 km of high-speed railways (200-350 km / h).
And our two accidents Peregrine how many develop? 240 km / h?
First the pride of Shanghai - "maglev." Worst-speed train traveling from one of the airports in the city.
The rate at which it develops, can be called remarkable for land transport. 450 km / h.
There are in China and other high-speed trains. The white handsome !!!
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However, this is not fiction, but a harsh reality - China opened another line of high-speed railway. At this time - between Wuhan and Guangzhou. It was built in just four years and now it is the longest high-speed railway line in the world - 1068 km.

Trains on it to reach speeds of 350 km / h. So from Wuhan to Guangzhou, you can not get there in ten hours, as usual, and in just 2 hours 58 minutes. The fare - from 70 to 114 dollars one way.

By 2012, China will be in operation approximately 13 000 km of high-speed railways (200-350 km / h).

And our two accidents Peregrine how many develop? 240 km / h?

First the pride of Shanghai - "maglev." Worst-speed train traveling from one of the airports in the city.

The rate at which it develops, can be called remarkable for land transport. 450 km / h.

There are in China and other high-speed trains. The white handsome !!!

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