The eighth wonder of the world is carved into the rock.
As enchanted city appears at the end kilometer road running along the bottom of a deep and narrow gorge surrounded by cliffs higher than 200 meters. This is Peter - part of the cultural legacy of the Nabataeans, an Arab tribe, who lived in southern Jordan in the three-hour drive from Amman, more than 2000 years ago and built these amazing facilities ...
Nabataean kingdom arose in the 7th century BC and lasted for many centuries, during which time its capital, Peter, has become well known as the center of a highly developed culture, an architectural masterpiece and a brilliant piece of engineering with its widely ramified and designed for vertical drop system of canals and levees ...
From their remote military posts Nabateans monitor and control of all trade routes of ancient Arabia, exacted tribute for the support and protection of walking through the desert from west to east caravan laden with Indian spices and silks, and following them towards the caravans carrying animal skins and ivory African ...
Peter is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level and 660 meters above the surrounding terrain, the Arava Valley. The city is the majestic cliffs of red sandstone, which cut fancy porches that look like Roman architecture
Monks often built their homes in caves, and they always look amazing. Peter differ from these buildings that is a true work of architectural art. The impression is enhanced unusual color of the rocks, which poured all shades of red, pink and orange.
Despite the fact that Peter is attracting attention, yet modern archaeologists examined no more than a third of all buildings and corridors to the depth of the rock, and yet can only marvel at what they saw and speculate.
The road to the city runs almost in a crack in the mountain, emerged here as a result of a prehistoric earthquake ...
Home legendary attraction of Petra, one of the most famous of its monuments with the speaker called Treasure, is located just at the exit of the gorge ...
At the end of the Siq gorge way gracefully doing the last bend, and out of the shadows in all its splendor arises Palace - Al Khazneh (Treasury). This most majestic ancient monument carved in the rock, and the whole has a height of about 42 meters and a width of 30 meters.
But the towering facade of Treasures, used in the film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" - this is just one of the secrets of Petra ...
In Petra there are more than 800 monuments. Going deep into the city, you can watch hundreds of buildings carved in the rocks ...
Majestic churches and public halls, royal tombs and tombs, canals and reservoirs, bath and rushing up the stairs, places of worship and shopping stalls, arches and public buildings, the powerful streets ... The ancient theater at 3,000 locations, interspersed in the crown of the city at the beginning of the first century BC ...
Gromada Deir Monastery, majestic funeral structure in the Roman style, called the tombstone ...
Dvortsom- 12.
And the modest tomb, which marked the burial place of Moses' brother, Aaron, was built in the 13th century Mamluk Sultan on top of Mount Aaron ...
Today Peter is not only a masterpiece of UNESCO declared World Heritage, and argues with other monuments for the title of the eighth wonder of the world ...
© topnews.ru
Nabataean kingdom arose in the 7th century BC and lasted for many centuries, during which time its capital, Peter, has become well known as the center of a highly developed culture, an architectural masterpiece and a brilliant piece of engineering with its widely ramified and designed for vertical drop system of canals and levees ...

From their remote military posts Nabateans monitor and control of all trade routes of ancient Arabia, exacted tribute for the support and protection of walking through the desert from west to east caravan laden with Indian spices and silks, and following them towards the caravans carrying animal skins and ivory African ...

Peter is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level and 660 meters above the surrounding terrain, the Arava Valley. The city is the majestic cliffs of red sandstone, which cut fancy porches that look like Roman architecture

Monks often built their homes in caves, and they always look amazing. Peter differ from these buildings that is a true work of architectural art. The impression is enhanced unusual color of the rocks, which poured all shades of red, pink and orange.

Despite the fact that Peter is attracting attention, yet modern archaeologists examined no more than a third of all buildings and corridors to the depth of the rock, and yet can only marvel at what they saw and speculate.

The road to the city runs almost in a crack in the mountain, emerged here as a result of a prehistoric earthquake ...

Home legendary attraction of Petra, one of the most famous of its monuments with the speaker called Treasure, is located just at the exit of the gorge ...

At the end of the Siq gorge way gracefully doing the last bend, and out of the shadows in all its splendor arises Palace - Al Khazneh (Treasury). This most majestic ancient monument carved in the rock, and the whole has a height of about 42 meters and a width of 30 meters.

But the towering facade of Treasures, used in the film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" - this is just one of the secrets of Petra ...

In Petra there are more than 800 monuments. Going deep into the city, you can watch hundreds of buildings carved in the rocks ...

Majestic churches and public halls, royal tombs and tombs, canals and reservoirs, bath and rushing up the stairs, places of worship and shopping stalls, arches and public buildings, the powerful streets ... The ancient theater at 3,000 locations, interspersed in the crown of the city at the beginning of the first century BC ...

Gromada Deir Monastery, majestic funeral structure in the Roman style, called the tombstone ...
Dvortsom- 12.

And the modest tomb, which marked the burial place of Moses' brother, Aaron, was built in the 13th century Mamluk Sultan on top of Mount Aaron ...

Today Peter is not only a masterpiece of UNESCO declared World Heritage, and argues with other monuments for the title of the eighth wonder of the world ...
© topnews.ru
