Walking around Barcelona
Taxi in Barcelona
ploschad Spain, rather primichatelnoe place
molodesh that there tusit
Catalan Museum of Arts (vvnutr essno I did not go)
the same night yaytsa current
Barcelona port
a monument to the greatest of his time to a bastard Christopher Columbus set in the port of leopards, because it is here, in Leopards 500 years ago Columbus started camping sea to India in search of forage caps, prushchego ganzhubasa and other overseas nishtyakov ...
nada 2, I used at least one
Spanish caps from falling off the stall with a piece of dough, in fact zhzhony sugar,
I further paneslo the beach was, though it was warm, but the sea was blowing nirazu not warm wind, yet nekatarye we found the strength not only to strip sunbath and swim in the sea to climb
Well and where without them? KPM
Tower, xs the name, near the Olympic Village
Olympic Village itself, built for the Olympics in '92, built to build, demolish forgotten ...
tower of steel and glass Agbar 144 meters
and here pahozhe snemayud keno
that's such a contrast
One of the main attractions of leopards, a typical long-term construction, obeschayut 2015 to finish the Sagrada Familia huge building sandwiched between houses, sales sfotat really nowhere ...
a piece from the inside, then not allowed, building
Diagonal Street, intersecting diagonally full leopard
Source: http: //