Most children's cafe
Quite a few parents can lay claim to their children in the lack of responsibility and immaturity. Although this problem is quite versatile. By itself, the responsibility of the people rarely appears. She earlier and is more pronounced in those who it, that is responsible, it is not afraid to delegate. Here too mass in plenty of pitfalls. Well, at least something that, along with the responsibility as such this process was the nature of the game.
It's great to have managed to combine these aspects in the Amsterdam café Kinderkookkafe. In this amazing institution all the staff - the maitre d ', waiters and even the chef (with adult supervision, of course) - is kids under the age of twelve years. Services to visitors - at the highest level. Friendly, helpful and timely. And not only in the range PIROZHENKO-Morozhenko and quite serious dishes of national cuisine - beef stew with vegetables, Groninger mustard soup with bacon pyureshka and, of course, local salted herring. So all grown-up.
By the way, the parents of children who work in the restaurant, celebrate together just from their appearance chadushek favorite of these qualities - the seriousness and responsibility. Some, even after considering this practice to take on the season at affordable rent tents and conduct their business.
Well, clearly, any adult just melts from such service and tips are not stingy. For such an atmosphere is not sorry.