Sea Phantom or artificial whale
This ship can handle almost anything with some waves, driving them at enormous speeds. Thus people within it are protected from the water and are in maximum comfort, which can only be in this method of transportation. Creator Sea Phantom tried to put him in the best solutions found both in the construction of boats and in aeronautical engineering ...
This machine of length 10, 3 meters are not yet available commercially. Despite this, she has already eaten enough resources spent on its creation - about $ 1, 2 million and 3 thousand hours of work carried out for nine years.
The unit can hold up to five people (including the driver). Although this boat, apparently it is not very similar to that. Black glossy color plus a streamlined shape with rocker somehow creates a gloomy, though ecstatic feeling. Generally, Sea Phantom is often compared with a UFO, submerged in the water. In this comparison really is something there, but we digress again.
At speeds up to 56 kilometers per hour the boat is moving quite smoothly through the waves. However, at a time when the pace of traffic starts to increase, exceeding this value, with the "Phantom" comes an unusual transformation: from his side parts-nominated rockers suddenly kind of additional narrow flaps length of 1, 8 meters. At high speed, the water exerts on them quite a lot of pressure, so the boat they like skiing, begins to rely on water. With increasing speed, these skis even more open, raising the ship even higher.
Because of this, it may seem that the boat almost flying over the water. But, surprisingly, it is not an illusion: now about himself and really start to declare laws of aerodynamics.
When the boat is on its wings, skiing, between his body and the surface of the water, of course, there is a space in which, by itself, is air. Since the speed is high, it begins to exert significant pressure on the bottom of the boat. Because of this, there is a lift, which supports the "ghost" of the water. In general, the boat is flying, as it is strange. Hence such samolёtopodobnaya form.
Flies, but did not take off - heavy. It should be noted that the "Flight component" acting on the device is large enough. Thanks to it is as if the boat weight reduction and reduces fuel consumption at high speeds when skiing nominated. According to Bormann and his companions, in this mode Sea Phantom requires five (!) Times less fuel than ordinary similar ship of the same size.
The power unit is 500 horsepower and a maximum speed - 193 kilometers per hour. Because of this magnitude themselves representatives of the manufacturer Sea Phantom compared with a helicopter. Which is reflected in the slogan accompanying the product: "With the speed of the helicopter. For the price of the boat. " It is not clear - and here the helicopter? ..
By the way, the comparison with aviation do not end there. It turns "Sea ghost" carries too due to their skis, which at this time is best compared with the wings. But if the plane uses of any console on the wing deflected, the Phantom simply pushes the ski, on the side where you want to collapse. Oh, and therefore rotates.
So far, the mass production of "ghost" boats are not established, and that the vehicle exists only in prototype form. Full version should not be significantly different, except that promises to be somewhat larger. The expected price of a full-length boat is estimated at $ 500 million. Accumulate.

This machine of length 10, 3 meters are not yet available commercially. Despite this, she has already eaten enough resources spent on its creation - about $ 1, 2 million and 3 thousand hours of work carried out for nine years.

The unit can hold up to five people (including the driver). Although this boat, apparently it is not very similar to that. Black glossy color plus a streamlined shape with rocker somehow creates a gloomy, though ecstatic feeling. Generally, Sea Phantom is often compared with a UFO, submerged in the water. In this comparison really is something there, but we digress again.

At speeds up to 56 kilometers per hour the boat is moving quite smoothly through the waves. However, at a time when the pace of traffic starts to increase, exceeding this value, with the "Phantom" comes an unusual transformation: from his side parts-nominated rockers suddenly kind of additional narrow flaps length of 1, 8 meters. At high speed, the water exerts on them quite a lot of pressure, so the boat they like skiing, begins to rely on water. With increasing speed, these skis even more open, raising the ship even higher.

Because of this, it may seem that the boat almost flying over the water. But, surprisingly, it is not an illusion: now about himself and really start to declare laws of aerodynamics.

When the boat is on its wings, skiing, between his body and the surface of the water, of course, there is a space in which, by itself, is air. Since the speed is high, it begins to exert significant pressure on the bottom of the boat. Because of this, there is a lift, which supports the "ghost" of the water. In general, the boat is flying, as it is strange. Hence such samolёtopodobnaya form.

Flies, but did not take off - heavy. It should be noted that the "Flight component" acting on the device is large enough. Thanks to it is as if the boat weight reduction and reduces fuel consumption at high speeds when skiing nominated. According to Bormann and his companions, in this mode Sea Phantom requires five (!) Times less fuel than ordinary similar ship of the same size.

The power unit is 500 horsepower and a maximum speed - 193 kilometers per hour. Because of this magnitude themselves representatives of the manufacturer Sea Phantom compared with a helicopter. Which is reflected in the slogan accompanying the product: "With the speed of the helicopter. For the price of the boat. " It is not clear - and here the helicopter? ..

By the way, the comparison with aviation do not end there. It turns "Sea ghost" carries too due to their skis, which at this time is best compared with the wings. But if the plane uses of any console on the wing deflected, the Phantom simply pushes the ski, on the side where you want to collapse. Oh, and therefore rotates.
So far, the mass production of "ghost" boats are not established, and that the vehicle exists only in prototype form. Full version should not be significantly different, except that promises to be somewhat larger. The expected price of a full-length boat is estimated at $ 500 million. Accumulate.
