Scientific facts - is popular to the masses!
A pile of scientific facts from Science World under the slogan "We can explain»
4 prints
After clicking on the poster shoots water with the words: - Apchi! Did you know that sneeze can fly 12 feet and hang in the air for 3 hours? It's true and it's disgusting. But you have learned something new!
Your body contains enough carbon to fill 9,000 pencils.
You weigh less than when moving down
The beaver can cut down 200 trees per year.
4 prints
After clicking on the poster shoots water with the words: - Apchi! Did you know that sneeze can fly 12 feet and hang in the air for 3 hours? It's true and it's disgusting. But you have learned something new!
Your body contains enough carbon to fill 9,000 pencils.
You weigh less than when moving down
The beaver can cut down 200 trees per year.