Russian air defense systems accidentally demolished house

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun-missile system "Tunguska" today demolished part of a residential building in the village of Oktyabrsky, Sverdlovsk Region. According to RBC Chief of Information and Public Relations of the Volga-Urals Military District (Purva) Colonel Konstantin Lazutkin, a column of armored vehicles followed to the landfill. One of the cars broke down on the road and behind.
According to the official version, the driver not knowing the road, accidentally drove into p.Oktyabrsky and turn on the street, knocked down a corner of a house. "As a result, there were no injuries, the machine has not received serious damage," - said K.Lazutkin. The commander of the division agreed with the owner of the house of the victim that his forces him to restore the damage.
However, as some media reported, quoting witnesses, in fact, a fighter came to the village store to shop. After returning from the store, he began to deploy a fighting machine, thus demolished the fence and drove into a newly built house. At this point in the house was a woman who, fortunately, was not injured. Military trying to stop the locals, but they failed.
According to RBC assistant military prosecutor of Purva Sergey Bogomolov at the moment on this fact provoditrsya check. "Based on the results it will be decided whether a criminal case" - said the deputy prosecutor.
via top.rbc.ru/incidents/07/03/2008/148773.shtml